help -- so confused about Calories and Macros

So I am new here--- and first time tracker. I am a 48 yo female 5' 2 and needing to loose almost 30lbs. I am at that age that metabolism seems dead. LOL I am not a diet pill kind of person and wanted to go the correct route and the first thing I tried was a DNA test called:
This test said low impact workouts ALL the time with HR in low range like 112 (I am a runner and spinner)
The Macro recommendations were
30 fat
35 protein
35 carb

two options for calories were 1500/1800 calories

I also went to Macros Inc site and the goals were quite similar but went I track food I am ALWAYS over on fat/carbs (just a tad) and never hitting the protein mark and the scale has not budged one bit. I know it has only been a short time but I feel like I am missing something. I am a pescatarian ( I eat veggies and fish) and have been trying to eat as much protein as possible. Most days I don't eat up to 1800 because I am full!

I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong, or if I just need to learn to be more patient. I can certainly accept friends if they would be willing to review my eating (and yes there are some cheat beers and snacks in there but nothing horrid) or if you can suggest someone to review my diary - that would be great.
Thanks in advance for reading -- and not bashing the newbie - just trying to get more education.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited August 2017
    Do you use a food scale to weigh everything you eat? Do you log everything, no cheats, slips or forgetting?

    Your diary isn't open. Can't review it.

    ETA: Plan all your meals around your protein. Make it a goal to hit that macro. Usually my fats/carbs fall into place pretty well when I do this.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,563 Member
    Sorry, but this test was most likely a waste of money. This test does not know your maximum heartrate to start with. If it's around 200, then 112 might be walking for you. If you're unfit it might be walking for you. Don't overthink things.

    Do the sport you enjoy doing, but for health benefits, not for losing weight.
    For weightloss just use this website/app. With 30lbs to lose you might want to set your goal loss to about 1lbs per week.
    Get a foodscale and weigh all your food, and log it here. Make sure you use correct entries. Don't trust information on packaging as it can be as much as 20% off, usually more. Don't use cups and spoons for measuring your food.
    Eat what you like and how you want to eat for the rest of your life. Don't follow any fads or odd recommendations as you only learn to eat following this diet. Once you go off your diet you've learned nothing.
    Even more patience :)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Read the forum stickies and that should clear up most of your confusion.

    Honestly, it's a simple process to lose weight, just not an easy one. But don't complicate things.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Most times when we aren't losing weight it's because we aren't actually eating the amount of calories we think we are. This is the first place to check.

    Many find that an increase in the amount of protein really helps weight loss. It's mostly due to its satiety effects. At 35%, that is high enough, so you just need to keep trying to get that protein.

    Being over a bit on your carbs and fat won't matter over the long term as long as your total calories are good; same with protein. I'd say that either 1) you just need to be more patient, or 2) you are actually eating more than you think.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Those genetic tests are a scam. I used to work for a company who sold something similar. Bogus.

    The macros are fine if that's how you like to eat. How about eating 1500 on non-exercise days and 1800 on exercise days. That's what I did for the last 20 pounds. It takes time, don't expect it all to just melt off. Use whatever exercise you like that you will continue to do. Again, that DNA test is silly.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    I honestly don't worry about my Macros at all. I just try to stay under my calorie goal and keep moving. I feel that the less complicated something is, the more I will stick to it, and the more successful I will be.