Juicing fast and new friends


So I decided to do a juice fast, it won't be easy and if you have done one please add me and maybe give me some pointers along the way. Thanks


P.S. I'm starting at 5d but plan on going 60d or so


  • MikeEsko
    MikeEsko Posts: 81 Member
    I tried it. Lasted 5 days. Lost pretty much water weight and starved the whole time. Some people can swing it, i am not one of them. I found easier ways to do things personally. Good luck.
  • weeplin
    weeplin Posts: 21 Member
    My husband did this and he did lose a lot of weight but has unfortunately put it all back on now with extra. I tried and didn't even last the day. I just can't do starving.
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    I'm not juicing personally but I did just make it through 1week of my protein shake diet/fast. It wasn't easy, but I'm committed! I have no goal in date in mind really, I'm just gonna keep going until I can't do it anymore, but I would ideally like to make it through 40days at least. Good luck!
  • margieallen24
    margieallen24 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2017
    I don't know if you are still exploring this option, but I have done juice fasts and have found them to be the most effective way for me to lose weight. I have juiced on and off for the last 18 months and have lost 120 pounds. For me, it resets my tastes buds, balances my blood sugar highs and lows, and once I am past the first few days, I feel better than any other time in my adult life. Let me know if you have any questions. I don't see a lot of fellow juicers on Fitness Pal, but it can be done successfully.