Started so well, hit a roadblock... Feeling those old habits wanting to come back! Help!

I went to the doctor 6 or 7 weeks ago and found myself at the same weight I had been 3 years prior when I went in and I realized I was lying to myself about 'doing better' or how I was making some better choices, it was all b.s.

I decided to make some changes, started walking to work (I'm fortunate enough to live just under 2 miles away from my office), started doing a C25k program, switched to a much healthier and reasonable diet, and things have been going great. I set a 40lb goal before September 25th when my entire family is taking a cruise to Cuba and I'm only 1 lb from that goal now, which is fantastic.

Two Sunday mornings ago I took our dog out for a walk/run, and it was fantastic, weather was perfect, did 2.5 miles in 40 minutes, dog was happy, I was happy. Rest of the day went by without issue, did some errands, yardwork and then all of the sudden my foot started to ache. Thought maybe I overdid it, no big deal.

By wednesday the pain was increasing, so just in case I went to the doctor. x-rays showed no fracture, doctor figured it was just a sprain and it would get better with some rest. It hasn't, it's gotten progressively worse with increased pain and swelling. Went back yesterday, more x-rays, still no sign of fracture, no blood clot (via ultrasound) and no gout (via blood test) so that's all good news, but they have no idea what's going on with my foot. I have faith they'll figure it out... I hope.

The problem is, I've been sedentary for a week now and I'm going stir crazy. I've found myself heading to the kitchen (on crutches) a couple of times not because I'm actually hungry, but because I'm bored and want to eat. I keep feeling sorry for myself and from a lifetime of *kitten* eating choices, I know this is the first crack in my resolve and eventually I'll just binge on something, then feel guilty and mad, then feel defeated and just give up.

I don't want to do that this time.

Any thoughts, encouragements, ideas, friend requests, whatever you've got, I could use the help.