Excercise & Panic Attacks anyone?



  • goldiejdb
    goldiejdb Posts: 63 Member
    goldiejdb wrote: »
    Hey y'all! :):)
    I've been struggling with anxiety & severe panic disorder for 5 years now. Whenever I start to workout and my breathing becomes a little labored, I start to hyperventilate and then I go into a full blown panic attack & I feel like I'm about to pass out.

    It's really killing the intensity in which I want to work out. Anyone in the same boat? Any ideas to overcome this? HELP! :s

    Are you certain it's a panic attack? Years ago my 15 year old daughter thought the same thing, she would get panic attacks. Then one day she had one after drinking a Red Bull and thought she was going to have a heart attack. We rushed her to the ER and found out she had Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome. It's an extra pathway in her heart, when she would get her heart rate up high enough it wouldn't slow down, it would get stuck in a loop. They fixed it finally by burning the extra pathway (it was a same day outpatient thing) by going in through an artery in her leg. Anyway my point is see a doctor if you have not.

    Pretty much 100% sure. I started having them 5 years ago after I lost my parents. I've had tests done and everything checked out. I do have Afib though...I think I may be nervous about triggering that by getting my heart rate up too high...I don't know. Thank you for your input
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I have exercise induced anxiety/panic. I don't go to a gym because of this, I don't need social anxiety on top of it!

    When I first started it was terrible, literally a few seconds in to cardio and I'd be off but I would just stop and do laps round the room/my flat until I brought my breathing back to a manageable level. Rinse and repeat. Now I can go weeks without any issues at all but it took a lot of time and commitment.

    On the odd occasion I decide I fancy going for a run I still get it but I can largely run through it and I go at the crack of dawn so there's just the odd dog walker.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    goldiejdb wrote: »
    Pretty much 100% sure. I started having them 5 years ago after I lost my parents. I've had tests done and everything checked out. I do have Afib though...I think I may be nervous about triggering that by getting my heart rate up too high...I don't know. Thank you for your input

    I can understand the anxiety after something like that. But, if you have the opportunity, discuss the afib with your doctor in relation to exercise. If they have not done an EKG on you, ask about it, and possibly a stress test. If nothing else it would put your mind at ease about it. Your doctor may also be able to give you an idea of the cost with your insurance, and maybe even roll it into an annual checkup to reduce the cost. More food for thought.