People NOT commenting on your progress? :(



  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    You look fantastic!

    Mean unsupportive people suck, & they never seem to just act right. I'm working on letting them be where-ever they are in life (& hopefully thats far away from me). it does make me feel better when I am an example of what it is I look for out of the people in my life. If I wish they were supportive, I make sure to be involved & be as supportive as possible.

    Hope it helps.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.
  • DefyGravity810
    DefyGravity810 Posts: 34 Member
    I completely understand and feel for you so let me say great job, I know it's hard and you look great!

    I've lost 67 so far went from a size 22 pants I could barely squeeze into to my 18s starting to fall down and no one has said a word. I'm sure it's noticeable because how could that not be? It's really annoying because yes, while you're doing it for you, you're putting in all this work and you want to know that people actually see a difference because it reinforces that it's working. I sometimes wonder if people don't want to say something about weight loss because they're afraid you might be offended by them pointing it out? I wish I knew. Either way, keep it up!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.

    Dude you post random things in every thread. Every freaking thread. And you change your pic more often then most change their underwear. No time?

  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Congratulations on your progress; sorry that your friend is not supportive of your efforts. Hopefully you're doing this for you despite what others may or may not say.

    Stay inspired.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.

    Dude you post random things in every thread. Every freaking thread. And you change your pic more often then most change their underwear. No time?


    Exactly. How am I supposed to continue posting in the forums and changing my picture if I have to dig through my newsfeed several times per day to go post "good job" on everyone's status updates?
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.

    Dude you post random things in every thread. Every freaking thread. And you change your pic more often then most change their underwear. No time?


    Exactly. How am I supposed to continue posting in the forums and changing my picture if I have to dig through my newsfeed several times per day to go post "good job" on everyone's status updates?

    Whierd, I think she was talking about offline. You know that place?

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.

    Dude you post random things in every thread. Every freaking thread. And you change your pic more often then most change their underwear. No time?


    Exactly. How am I supposed to continue posting in the forums and changing my picture if I have to dig through my newsfeed several times per day to go post "good job" on everyone's status updates?

    Whierd, I think she was talking about offline. You know that place?


    The place where you go to work? Yeah, I visit that place. Don't like it.

    And my my, you sure are snarky. Did I do something to get your panties in a bunch in the past? :huh:
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Things get lost in my newsfeed. I don't have time to rifle through all that noise.

    Dude you post random things in every thread. Every freaking thread. And you change your pic more often then most change their underwear. No time?


    Exactly. How am I supposed to continue posting in the forums and changing my picture if I have to dig through my newsfeed several times per day to go post "good job" on everyone's status updates?

    Whierd, I think she was talking about offline. You know that place?


    The place where you go to work? Yeah, I visit that place. Don't like it.

    And my my, you sure are snarky. Did I do something to get your panties in a bunch in the past? :huh:

    Not snarky. Didn't you see the funny gifs? But yeah you did piss me off not once but twice, so it's fun to swat at you now and then (like a mosquito). You leave yourself wide open. And I don't work, yet I post way less than you. ;-) (that's a little winky so don't get your undies in a wad. Yuck I don't ever want to think of your undies again especially that close to the word wad :noway: ).
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    Two things.

    1. I'm unsure why you need this sort of attention from people in your life. You should be losing weight because you want to be healthy and live longer and look better...not so that your friends can tell you how hot you are now. I'm not accusing you of whining, but I suggest you ask yourself why this is so important to you...and deal with any self esteem issues that can come back to haunt you at any weight. I mean, what happens when you hit your goal and it's no longer novel and people stop giving you positive feedback? Think on it.

    2. My husband lost 30 lbs...I didn't notice. My mother lost 50 lbs...I couldn't tell the difference. My best friend has lost 20...can't see that either. When they'd tell me they'd lost weight, I'd be happy for them and congratulate them...but seriously. I can't tell. Though, I also have Asperger's this may play a part in my inability to notice changes.

    But yeah I agree with most people--wait and see. Maybe people will say something when you drop 5 more...or some other number. You never know.
  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
    I so understand how you feel. Last year I lost 25 lbs. NOBODY said anything. I hardly didn't even hear anything from my husband unless I said something. I got so discouraged I gave up because I felt like it didn't matter. But I know no that was the wrong reason to be trying to lose weight anyway, its just a nice bonus. I think people have different reasons for not saying anything but it sure is nice when they do say something. I try to remember that when I see someone who I think has lost a little weight. Tell them they look good. Just remember your not in this alone:happy:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Not snarky. Didn't you see the funny gifs? But yeah you did piss me off not once but twice, so it's fun to swat at you now and then (like a mosquito). You leave yourself wide open. And I don't work, yet I post way less than you. ;-) (that's a little winky so don't get your undies in a wad. Yuck I don't ever want to think of your undies again especially that close to the word wad :noway: ).

    Twice?! Wow, must have been pretty hurtful for you to remember it when I don't. And I post so often because I have no social life outside of work, which I am sure you're alluding to in an attempt to shame me, but it is what it is. But feel free to swat away. I am also bald and fat, if that makes it easier for you. :wink:
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Ok, now seriously. Fifteen pounds over the course of two years is pretty gradual loss. Assuming you're not naked in front of your friends, it's probably not noticeable to them at all. And on the flip side, they probably didn't notice when you gained that weight, either.

    They didn't notice weight loss or gain NOT because they're self-absorbed or catty or any of that... it's because they don't scrutinize your body.

    Before her wedding, my niece went from a size 12 to a size 4 and had to order a new dress. Until I heard about the dress, and saw her in a cute little minidress at her bridal shower, I didn't notice she'd lost weight. Every time I saw her, she was fully dressed, usually in a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. And every time I saw her, I just saw a beautiful young woman, no matter what size she was.

    This is very true. Probably should clarify in my original post that while this has been a 2 year journey, I've actually lose the weight over the past couple months.

    (2 year journey in that... I gained the weight... started to try to lose it, would lose a little then regain, lose then gain, etc. etc.... and now I'm finally keeping it off)

    In the grand scheme of things, 15 lbs is not a TON of weight. Yes, its a huge feat for me.. but its not like I've lost a whole "me" (as some people here have)!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I didn't read th e whole post START BRAGGING
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I do bragging post s like once a week on all my progress

    ive lost 35 pounds, 4 inches of stomach, over 10 percent of body weight, ill be out of obesity Monday, ill be at my goal weight in 20 pounds

    just like that post like that
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    I feel the same way.... I WANT people to notice I've lost weight, but they're just NOT..... oh well, I can AND I feel better.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    I've seen the reverse of this be decried in the forums here many times... perhaps people are just reluctant to stick their neck out and comment about your weight.

    Probably related to my "if I don't see an actual baby body part, I won't acknowledge that she might be pregnant" rule...

    ...because sometimes the answer is that she isn't.

    My husband actually mentioned the same thing. He said that he isn't the type to comment on other's weight... guys or girls. At least not to their face. He said that even if someone does look great, unless they mention it outright that they've been working on it, etc., he's not going to bring it up because what if he says "hey you look like you've really bulked up..." but the goal for that person wasn't bulking?

    So it makes sense. :) I just have the personality where I feel people out and if I have an idea that they've been working toward some goal, I like to make sure they know they're doing great.. feell good about it.. etc. :)
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Let me ask you this. Who are you losing the weight for? If it is for yourself then as long as you are putting in the effort and noticing the results then that is all that matters. If you are doing it to gain others approval you then you are in a world of disappointment. Just saying....

    Agree with you (and a few others on this). What matters is WHO I'm losing the weight for... and I already know that its for me.

    Realistically speaking, I could go about my merry way and never have anyone comment and as long as I've reached my goal I'm happy.. especially since I have a supportive husband. However I guess I just wanted to hear some insight on how others have handled this.

    Even though the weight loss is for me and only me, it's still good to hear from others occassionally- especially people you see every so often.

    Note that something I've worked on mentally/emotionally over the past 2 years in conjunction with trying to finally reach a point of sustaining weight loss is trying to get away from caring what others thing of me... and sounds like this post I've created has gone against that...

    Work in Progress. :)
  • BazingaSC
    BazingaSC Posts: 6
    Yeah don't worry what other people think. 15 lbs is an awesome accomplishment. Sometimes it's hard for people to see it. Plus you have the few people that get jealous cuz you worked hard and they can't do it. I have workout buddies that keep me motivated since they know it takes a lot work and dedication. I have the others that tell me what to do since they are skinnier, but I am physically more active then them. Also have a few friends that their friends lost a lot. They look amazing super fit and now they are too skinny in others eyes. Can't win with people, but you can get the support here! Great job. I am 5'6" and have 50 lbs to go. Can't wait to show off my hard work.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I couldn't care less if anybody notices. I'm doing it for me.