Is Being Vegetarian Harming me as Hypothyroid?



  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited August 2017
    @MischaMay87 . If you see a list of vitamins in a protein powder, you can suspect that vitamins are simply powdered and added (not natural). Just in case you are anti-multivitamin... letting you know.
    I don't see where sun warrior has lots of vitamins. It looks like any other simple protein powder that can be bought at any store.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I've yet to come across any strong evidence showing causation between thyroid disorder and diet other than iodine.

    Protein is a common issue with vegetarian/vegan diets, so you may likely have to supplement with a plant based powder - nothing wrong with that.

    What was your TSH result? Note that the "new" normal is 0.2-2.0, so if you are lacking energy have a conversation with your treating endocrinologist about this. If this still isn't working request a full thyroid panel including TSH, fT3, fT4, and rT3.

    You will likely note improvement once the weight comes off - not just from the positive mental reinforcement, but from a very real impact on hormonal balance. Hormones are free cycling, so being overweight makes it difficult if not impossible to maintain hormonal balance.

    Thyroid has a minimal impact on metabolism, so don't let this get you down or thinking it's more of an issue. This amounts to ~5% of your Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) which amounts to 80 kcals/day out of a 1600 kcal/day budget.

    What thyroid (or any hormone) will do is directly impact cellular absorption - water weight. This can complicate matters and make things much worse temporarily - impacting hunger signals, emotional reactions, etc. Understand that this is your body's defense mechanism and perfectly natural. Bodies like small changes implemented over a great deal of time, so if you change something do this in small manageable doses.
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    I have had hashimoto's since 2008, so i feel your pain! First thing is i would try to be patient with your self to get your meds to the correct level. I learned a long time ago that if my meds are off, i shouldn't even try to lose weight, it just wouldn't work. Once the meds are right and you are feeling better, then you will have more energy, feel less stressed, and be able to work toward weightloss.

    One thing i read a long time ago (not sure if this has been debunked by now or not), is that there are certain goitregenic foods that can interfere with thyroid function. Eating those in high quantities could be an issue for those of us with impaired thyroids. They are:

    Bok Choy
    Brussel sprouts
    Mustard and Mustard greens

    In addition, i have also read that those of us with underactive thyroids should not go crazy on the soy. As a vegetarian, i assume you eat a higher than usual amount of soy than the average individual. I know this is not proven and the articles i have read on this are pretty complicated. Just something to consider. Maybe it would make a small difference, maybe not.