Starting Over

Her Everyone! I'm a 19 year old college sophomore. Over my freshman year, I lost about 25 pounds without even trying too hard, which I was extremely happy about! Then, my weight loss kinda stopped, and I've been at the 175-180 weight range for the past three months or so. So about a 5 days ago, I decided it was time to get back in business. I have been exercising for the past couple months, but wasn't really making any changes to my diet. But, in these past few days, drinking more water, watching my portions, limiting unhealthy foods and adding healthier foods to my diet has made all the difference! I've lost about 2 pounds so far, but also, I feel great! I feel a lot more energetic and healthy all ready, and I know this is just the beginning.

My journey so far.

Beginning of freshman year: 200 pounds. Doing little exercise. Eating neither very healthy or unhealthy. Was so stressed and busy, that it limited my eating.

End of freshman year: 175 pounds. Doing occasional exercise. Not really watching what I ate, but not overeating either.

5 days ago: 178.6 pounds. Exercising average of 3 days a week, but not making very drastic diet changes.

Today: 176.2 pounds. Exercising 4-6 times a week (That's the plan anyway). Filing up on healthy things like salads, fruits, healthy grains, and lean meats. Drinking a lot of water.

And this is just the beginning.

Goal: 135 pounds.

Let's gooo!