5ft2 SCW 160lbs GW 130lbs UGW 115lbs. Advice please!

I know, my title kinda self explanatory lol. But I am so sick and tired of being this size! I hate looking in the mirror and having to suck it in just to appease myself momentarily! I want to take my life back and be stronger have endurance and have my second child at an acceptable weight. (I'm not pregnant btw}.

Would love to hear from persons who have similar stats and overcame their weight struggles. However, all advice is welcomed.

5ft 2in
SW 160lbs
GW 130lbs
UGW 115lbs

Considering rollerblading as a form of exercise as I loved it growing up and think I would love it just the same.

Also body weight training as I only have 5lb dumbells in my possession right now.

I conquered this weight before but gained it all back after having my first child. Would love to enjoy looking into the mirror again. Your help would be most appreciated!