G'day everyone!!

G'day everyone, I can't believe I've been logging my calories for about 45 days and I have just found this forum!! So many handy tips, advice and stories!! Thanks to everyone that contributes!!!

A bit about me, I'm Steve and I basically started getting uncomfortable moving around with the weight I was. I was slowly creeping up to 100kgs.

At the time of my light bulb moment I was 97kgs and looking at myself in the mirror thinking "Holy S&%$, you are a fat c#_@!! I decided to put my info into a basic BMI calcuator and BANG, I was in the obese range. I'm standing at 178cms and have always rated in the over weight catagory as being a larger build but not overly "chubby" but just abit around the waist.

Anyway at this time I thought to myself I need to get on this ASAP and change my lifestyle around.

So here I am 45 days in and still going.

I have my moments and still call myself a "fat c $€@" which my wife hates but I'm still carrying on.

I started at 94kgs and now am about 89.4kg and haven't nudged past that for a couple of weeks now, which is quite annoying but I'll carry on.

Anyway as discouraged as I am at the moment I know it's a "marathon" and not a "race" with the weight loss and more importantly the healthier lifestyle and I'm thankful my wife is going through the healthier lifestyle change as well, so we bounce off each other.

Anyway I'm on the train at the moment so apologies if my punctuation and spelling is off.


    NORTHSEA76 Posts: 18 Member
    Be kind to yourself; one day at a time, & your spelling etc is fine.
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,664 Member
    A great start on your weight loss journey! Personally, I think you should let go of the negative words towards yourself. You already accomplished 45 days of logging, so that is really great. Pat yourself on the back for that rather than be mean to yourself :smile: