Organic, long lasting fasts and keto thoughts

I love doing all three, what are your thoughts on each of these? Let's start a discussion! :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what is an organic long lasting fast? :huh:

    and also, IBTL!
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Unnecessary, unnecessary, and unnecessary. That said, if they allow you to eat enough food for your goals and does not lead you to some form of punishment for failure, then go for it.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I prefer local (truly local not a label) to organic when possible as I have no faith an organic label means anything positive. I fast periodically if I'm not hungry or the occasion calls for it but nothing lengthy or structured - I've tried all sorts of fasting protocols over the years (alternate day, 5:2, once a week etc.) but after a few weeks they felt forced and unsustainable.

    There's some scientific evidence fasting could be healthful and I find it compelling that most religions have some sort of fasting so I try to incorporate a longer 2 or 3 day fast once a year. I find it beneficial maintaining a healthy appetite if nothing else. Again, it's not forced or scheduled though. Sometimes it feels comfortable and good to fast and other times it doesn't. I haven't had a longer fast this year yet and there's a good chance I won't since the holiday season is approaching but you never know.

    I eat a fairly strict low carb diet so it's not unusual for me to be in ketosis (which is what makes periodic fasting comfortable, IME) but it's not something I aim for. I also think it's easy for people to get caught up in the whole chasing ketones thing and lose sight of what's important and what their goals are.

    If you haven't yet check out the group section. There's organic, fasting and keto groups you might like if you don't get the discussion you were hoping for on the main forums. ;)