Re-introducing myself!!

Hey everyone! I'm Eliot. I'm a 20 yr old trans guy, and I'm officially on my weight loss journey! I started at 402lbs, and am now down to 386lbs!! My goal weight is 165lbs!! I know I have a long way, and being diabetic is both a blessing and a curse, because without knowing i've become diabetic, I would still be gaining pounds and further harming my health.

If you wanna add me, feel free!! :D See yall around! :D


  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,832 Member
    Great job on your weight loss thus far!
  • JTlivez
    JTlivez Posts: 72 Member
    Yes! Awesome job on your weight loss! If you need any motivation I'm active daily! Just add me if you're up to it :smile: