Might be having surgery in the next month or so-- any ideas on how to maintain/keep fit as I recover



  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Blah. Something is wrong with my own liver! Biopsy showed something but not cancer or fatty liver disease but something that needs taken care of. I have to go to my own doctor bc in Pittsburgh we have warring insurance companies and this particular hospital doesn't take my insurance (when you are being evaluated to be a donor, the receiver's insurance covers all) so I won't know what is up with me for a while.
    But the main this is the devastation that Suzanna still needs a liver. And now (again bc of insurance) she has to start all over. Because of cost they only evaluate one donor at a time.
    Fortunately her husband started the process yesterday.
    I am so very sad and worried. Please pray for this young mom. Time is of the essence.
    Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I would have posted this earlier but I was just so sad and miserable for a couple of days. But now a bunch of us are just so fully mobilized to help this family in anyway we can!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Oh, I'm sorry to hear this. You're still a hero for volunteering. I hope she gets her liver soon, and I hope you will be okay as well!
  • My4happykids
    My4happykids Posts: 124 Member
    I will pray for her. The life you have while waiting really kind of sucks being close to death and knowing you have kids that want and need you around. I really feel for her.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Thx for updating us. Sorry the outcome wasn't what you hoped for or what she needed. Hope your own issue gets resolved quickly.