Last year in my 40s

Today is the 1st day of the last year in my 40's. The big 5-0 is knocking rapidly! Im determined to go into my next half century being healthy and in control of my weight. Im down almost 60 pounds, but still more to lose. I would love support of those that are active here! Boost me up when I need it, and let me do the same for you. Anyone like minded please add me!!


  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss (and your birthday).
    I turn 49 next month and am down 55 lbs as of this morning. If you'd asked me a week ago it would have been 59 but I was on vacation and apparently over indulged a little in the food dept. Oh well - onward and downward, right? I'm looking to lose another 30-40. Out of curiosity - how tall are you?