Starting over

So I had originally lost 30 pounds on weight watchers but over the course of this last year and staring a new medication I gained it all back. I'm trying FP to see if I can get it off and was wondering how others have been successful. It says in order to loss 1-2 pounds I should be eating 1350-1590 calories seems like a lot. Is it really possible to lose weight eating almost 1600 calories?


  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
    It probably has that much because you put that you were active. If you are going to be burning some calories then yes, very easy to lose eating that much. I too an starting over and am back on MFP. It works if you stay with it. Good luck, and friend me if you'd like!
  • supersami2017
    supersami2017 Posts: 1 Member
    ewestberg wrote: »
    So I had originally lost 30 pounds on weight watchers but over the course of this last year and staring a new medication I gained it all back. I'm trying FP to see if I can get it off and was wondering how others have been successful. It says in order to loss 1-2 pounds I should be eating 1350-1590 calories seems like a lot. Is it really possible to lose weight eating almost 1600 calories?

  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I'm starting over too! I also gained back 30 Lbs!! I will add you!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    I have gained back 20 lbs that I lost 3 years ago. Starting over tomorrow! We can do this!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I'm 5'8", 180 lbs, 47 years old. I am losing on 2100 calories/day. I am very active.
  • kayla0615
    kayla0615 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm kind of starting over too. I was up to 215 after my daughter was born. I did weight watchers and got down to 185, but then over the last year gained 5 pounds back even while doing the program. So I thought I would switch things up a bit. I'm 190 now and hoping to lose 1-2 lbs a week. Check you settings, you might have your activity listed as active. I put down light activity, but I'm being conservative. I own a business so some days I'm sitting behind a desk all day and others I'm on my feet none stop. I also put down that I plan to workout 3 days per week, but I hope to do get at least 4.