Out the other side

jbean1990 Posts: 69 Member
I started my weightless in March at 15 stone 2 lbs/38 inch waist and generally being an unhealthy slob. I'm now 11 stone 10lbs and a 32-24 waist and feel much better. I'm a 6 foot 1 man and 26 years old too.

Strangely o now find myself in a position where I've lost the weight, and feel great, but look 'scrawny' I now have to wear S shirts but the arms are so baggy doe to me having basically no muscle.

I don't want to body build or get huge muscles or anything like that, simply want to tone up and add a little bit of definition now I've lost weight. I'm a runner and run around 50-60kn per week, and currently eat 1660kcal per day but looking to up that now, it was so low due to weight loss.

I'm not really into the gym so more looking for tips for things I can do at home and should eat etc. I had a PT about 3 years ago but it didn't work out as it was unrealistic for me to eat so much so often in the day as I'm a teacher and rarely get a minute!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    Well if you want to tone, that means cut body fat which generally means losing more weight. You could try a recomp where you eat around maintenance, eat adequate protein and follow a progressive overload lifting program (like one of the ones in the below link). But to do so, training will be the key.

    Alternatively, if you think you are too small, you could do a few bulks to add 5 or 10 lbs of muscle and reassess. And don't worry, you wont' get huge by accident and without putting years of time and dedication into it.

    But ultimately, unless you are willing to put in the time and effort, you won't get the results. That means consistently training hard, and eating nutritious foods.
