Help needed - getting married in November and can't stop eating!!

Well I think I'm addicted to food!! I just love it and can't stop eating......I have tried loads. Of diets and clubs but not working. I want to eat heathy (on a budget) I walk between 2/5 mile a day but I'm the size of a house!! Can anyone please help advise??


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Do you measure and weigh all that you eat? If not, you would need to get a food scale and start doing that. It sounds tedious but after you get in to the routine of doing it with every meal it gets easier. Make sure you are eating within the calories you are given for the day. It's tough and it takes a few weeks to get in to a new routine especially with food. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. Good luck!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited August 2017
    Yes, just start by logging everything you eat on myfitnesspal, weighing the food wherever possible, to start getting an idea of:

    - when you tend to overeat
    - what foods you overeat on
    - what a normal portion size looks like

    I would just do this for a while before trying to actually lose weight. It will give you a feel for how it's done and allow you to gather valuable information about your current habits, which will help you a lot when you start trying to change them.

    After you've done this for a couple of weeks, set it up to lose weight - the rate of loss will depend how much you have to lose. What's your current weight, goal weight and height?
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    And don't forget to log drinks as well - alcoholic and soft. Many people consume a lot of calories through drinks.
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Both myself and my cousin have had this discussion where he folded when I told him, "I really don't know what to do, I just can't stop ****ing eating!"

    I am now back on the wagon so to speak myself and I feel logging what I eat gives me a massive edge in keeping on the straight and narrow. What I am doing though is not a diet, at my work I have the choice of 3 to four dishes several times a day (I work away from home), therefore what I am doing is choosing the healthier dish, chicken rather than pie, roast rather than curry. You'll get the drift, swap chips for boiled/baked potato and load up on veggies. I notice that small hunger pangs are starting roughly 30 min to an hour before I'm due to eat, but nothing major. Load up on water, this is one of the hardest things to do. What I've been doing is every time I walk by the water machine to go out on the job I take a small cup of water, have a glass with meals and it slowly mounts up. Well all the best, and before I forget. By all means have a long range goal but break that into having small goals.