Anyone else have trouble eating enough calories??

I'm not a big eater. I just don't eat a lot of food. I track everything I eat but whenever I try to consume larger quantities of food I end up feeling bloated and just too full. I'm 48 years old and 5'2" weighing 114lbs. Last July I weighed 105 lbs and felt it was perfect for me. Somehow without changing my diet or exercise I gained 10lbs in just a few months and haven't been able to get it off no matter what I do. I've been to the doctor and there's nothing physically wrong. In January I got a personal trainer and started working out at the gym and after 5 months I finally got down to 110 but one week in Costa Rica and I gained the 5lbs back! I run 5 days a week and go to the gym 3 days a week. I do burn a lot of calories but I don't take in a lot of calories. I very rarely exceed 1100 calories. When I was working with the trainer she had me eating 6 small meals a day and I felt sick from all the food. It was just way more than I am used to eating. I had to stop. So the question is am I not losing weight b/c of the lack of calories even though when I was eating more I didn't lose weight?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    The only way you would not be losing weight barring any medical causes is you're not in a deficit. Unless you were eating A LOT you didn't gain 5lbs of fat from one week away. Water weight can have a significant impact even when it doesn't look like it, if your body is holding on to sodium that could be another reason, plus just natural fluctuations in the body. It may take some digging to find out which is the culprit. You're going to get asked this a lot so I'll just ask it now, are you using a food scale to measure?