No scales... Am I the only one?

In the past, I would become obsessed with the scale and would get discouraged quite easily. I no longer have one in my house.

How many of you have found success with not doing weigh ins? And, how do you mark your progress: measurements, pictures, etc..?

Do tell. :)


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds after I broke my scale a few years ago. It's fine as long as there is a lot of weight to lose - I just jumped on the one at the gym once a week or so.

    But now that I am at maintenance, I need a body weight scale. Five pounds one way or the other doesn't really show on me that much, but it's a pain in the backside to have to lose that five pounds. I'd rather catch it at three. :lol:
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    You're certainly not the only one. I do use a scale and am fortunate to not have issues obsessing over it. Many many people who have suffered eating disorders avoid calorie counting or weighing in and use how clothing fits, measurements, energy levels, fitness accomplishments, or other general feelings of wellbeing to measure their progress.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    Im thinking about forgetting the bathroom scales too.. even though i just bought a new one..I think i might just try to focus on the way my body looks in the mirror and a bit of measurements.
    Theres an app that you can track your body measurements called mybody that I have.its definitely more time consuming though
  • misshellybell
    misshellybell Posts: 17 Member
    I have a slight obsession with weighing myself also. Maybe 3 times a day. I used to say it helped me keep on track but that's a massive lie. I've not stepped on the for a few days (I know right!) and I'm hoping to slowly ease myself off them. I think it's hard when you first start a weight loss plan as it takes a while to see any changes in your body, so weighing yourself is more of a reassurance something is going right but like you say, it's so easy to become unhealthily obsessed. My plan is ditch them one day too.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    I have a slight obsession with weighing myself also. Maybe 3 times a day. I used to say it helped me keep on track but that's a massive lie. I've not stepped on the for a few days (I know right!) and I'm hoping to slowly ease myself off them. I think it's hard when you first start a weight loss plan as it takes a while to see any changes in your body, so weighing yourself is more of a reassurance something is going right but like you say, it's so easy to become unhealthily obsessed. My plan is ditch them one day too.
    I have a slight obsession with weighing myself also. Maybe 3 times a day. I used to say it helped me keep on track but that's a massive lie. I've not stepped on the for a few days (I know right!) and I'm hoping to slowly ease myself off them. I think it's hard when you first start a weight loss plan as it takes a while to see any changes in your body, so weighing yourself is more of a reassurance something is going right but like you say, it's so easy to become unhealthily obsessed. My plan is ditch them one day too.

    Same thats why I've tried and failed to only do it once a week ... but have noticed how obsessed with it i am. And how *kitten* i can feel if it isnt the number i want to see.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    Id reccomend having a google about taking measurements . 1kg loss is 0.9 cm off waist.
  • LCHF123
    LCHF123 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't have scales in my house and only get weighed when I see a doctor (so maybe every couple of years). I've had friends that were also getting obsessed with the scales and switched to tracking via body measurements and photos instead which works well for them. I have a pair of trousers that are usually comfortably fitted, and if they get too snug I know I need to cut back a bit! That said, they're now getting a little loose so I'm thinking it might be time to downsize....
  • ashbabe25
    ashbabe25 Posts: 173 Member
    I tossed my scale months ago, it's so not worth the obsessive aggravation. My clothes are becoming big on me, I see the difference. I take pictures every few weeks and measure to track the progress.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    I was obsessed with weighing everyday, then I moved to only 1x/wk. I also use a tape measure and a skinfold caliper to take measurements.
  • slimyslimgym
    slimyslimgym Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh only when I go to a doctor appointment and at my monthly gym reapplications. I think the number on the scale reflects very little about your health. People should measure the circumstance of their arms, legs and torso instead and use the change in inches rather than pounds. I know someone who lost 4 or 5 inches around her waist but gained 5lbs (of muscle). So if she were looking at the scale only, she would have been disappointed.