People in desk jobs

Having just bought a Fitbit, I can't believe how many more cals I burn on non working days without exercise, than working days when I do exercise! How do you manage to get into a calorie deficit on a day when 8 hours are spent at your computer, you can't get to the gym as you have a young child, and you're exhausted?


  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I wake up early and get my workout done in the morning. I go to school and work a desk-job part time, so I'm sitting 10+ hours a day. If I manage to finish dinner before the sun sets, I'll go for a 30 min walk, too. But, my weekends are also much more active.
  • SaffySophia
    SaffySophia Posts: 1 Member
    I'm the opposite. I work a desk job but I get up and do my bike first thing in the morning on weekdays. I end up with about 4,000 steps by the time I get to work and the up and down of filling/copying runs gets me to 7,000 by the time I get home. Then I make up the difference to 10,000. Sleeping in on the weekends screws with that 4,000 biking and I have to work harder all day.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I skip breakfast, eat a small lunch, and aim for a small dinner. (I have a calorie budget of 1250/day so I generally aim for about 1100 calories consumed) When the weather cooperates with me, I'll take a 45 minute walk at lunch which only assists in giving me a deficit.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have a standing desk. 8 hours of standing to work on a computer gets me a little over 300 calories. That's a good start on a calorie deficit.
  • mattiefras
    mattiefras Posts: 29 Member
    Desk job here too. Luckily I have a standing desk so I'm not sitting the whole time. I get up at 4am and get 60-90 minutes in prior to getting to work at 7am. When I work at 9, I get up at 5:30 or 6. I just feel so much better when I start my day getting my exercise in first thing. Sets the tone for the rest of the day. I make time for it, because it's important to me. Where ever your heart is, there your treasure will be. In other words. If you're truly dedicated to getting fit and being healthy, you'll find s way. Good luck!
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    4:30 AM start. I have a Fitdesk (bike with a desk on it) so I usually eat breakfast and watch the news on that, winding up with 3 or 4k steps before I get to work. I walk 2 miles over lunch and either walk or play Stepmania for an hour when I get home. Weeks vary, but I've been averaging 19k steps a day this week. :)
  • OvercomerJudith
    OvercomerJudith Posts: 14 Member
    You all inspire me! I sit at a computer all day, but I do two things. I set my calories at 1200/day (give or take 50) with no nibbling. I use a Garmin watch which tells me to move if I sit too long. Surprising how much that helps. I'll get up and walk around, go downstairs to get water...short breaks. I run in place when I play fetch with my dog. I'll stand at the computer if I'm just reading and walk in place. I stopped complaining around the house if I have to go get something. Instead, I volunteer to do things that add steps. Little things add up. I'm older and am adding steps weekly, gradually, because I've sat on my *kitten* for too many years! Just having the goal helps, and I don't beat myself up if I don't make it. That shuts me down. It doesn't sound like a big deal to a lot of you, but I've gone from 800 steps a day to an average of 4,000 in eight weeks. My hip doesn't hurt as bad and my legs don't feel like they are falling off. Thanks be to God!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Calorie deficit is just consuming less than you burn. So on days you burn less, you eat less.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    It's all about eating less on the days you don't move much. Or making getting in a workout everyday a priorty outside of work hours so you can eat more.

    I've always had a desk job and managed to lose 50lbs in 2011 and kept it off within 10lbs. Having a desk job is only one of those excuses people use to not meet their goals.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Having just bought a Fitbit, I can't believe how many more cals I burn on non working days without exercise, than working days when I do exercise! How do you manage to get into a calorie deficit on a day when 8 hours are spent at your computer, you can't get to the gym as you have a young child, and you're exhausted?

    You eat less. A calorie deficit is derived from eating fewer calories than you expend in a given day. Note that you burn calories 24/7...most of your calorie requirements are from you merely existing.

    If you're using this app, your calorie target is your deficit based on your stats and overall average activity level without exercise.
  • ashbabe25
    ashbabe25 Posts: 173 Member
    There are a ton of 5 minute workouts on youtube. when I'm alone I'll pop one on and hope I have a break between phone calls to squeeze it in.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Eat every 3 hours small meals ( snacks really) and adjust your calorie intake to account for the lack of activity. On Training days bump the calorie count to something appropriate. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Having just bought a Fitbit, I can't believe how many more cals I burn on non working days without exercise, than working days when I do exercise! How do you manage to get into a calorie deficit on a day when 8 hours are spent at your computer, you can't get to the gym as you have a young child, and you're exhausted?

    Try to up your "incidental cardio". Park across the parking lot instead of looking for a close spot. Walk to deliver a message to a coworker instead of paging through or emailing. Make time for (2) 15-minute walks in the morning and afternoon, which will also help keep you awake. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Have a 2 or 3 person meeting to discuss something? Go for a walking meeting! FYI, I do all of these so it IS possible and actually very enjoyable.
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    I always plan my meals around the calories I burn on an "inactive" day, then if I am hungrier in the evening on days I exercise I have a snack to eat back a few of my exercise calories. I am short and don't really have a ton of weight to lose, so I don't burn that many more calories on days I "exercise" vs an "inactive" day, 200-300 at most.
  • Jeffrey_S
    Jeffrey_S Posts: 50 Member
    Having just bought a Fitbit, I can't believe how many more cals I burn on non working days without exercise, than working days when I do exercise! How do you manage to get into a calorie deficit on a day when 8 hours are spent at your computer, you can't get to the gym as you have a young child, and you're exhausted?

    I just got a wearable fitness device as well (Garmin vivoactive HR), and I'm anxious to see if it helps. I do try to clear the "move bar" when it appears, but that will not always be possible if I'm in meetings. What I've done so far when I can, I get up and just do a lap around the building hallways, or perhaps walk up a couple of flights of stairs and then back down.

    I work 10 hour shifts, most of it spent at my desk or in conference rooms, but I am hopeful that this neat smart watch will give me some kind of awareness and motivation to keep moving periodically.

    Time will tell how it works out...
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If you can't exercise you are eating less compared to days when you can - precisely how this tools works.

    Plus build as much activity into your day as possible.
    Cycle or walk to the station.
    Walk up stairs whenever possible.
    Go and talk to people instead of emailing or phoning.
    Get off public transport a stop early, or park your car further away.
    Play outside with your children.

    Tired from sitting down all day isn't physical tiredness, activity actually helps you feel energised.

    You also have a lunch break - I eat at my desk and use my break for exercise or just walking.
  • TheresaMPorto
    TheresaMPorto Posts: 3 Member
    I've been taking laps around my office. I find that when I'm not working out as regularly as I should my joints start to hurt. So I try to force myself to move. The downside is that I find myself getting up to mischief a lot more when I visit other areas of the office.
  • Teej666
    Teej666 Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    I get up at 4:30, hit the gym, and then try to get in at least 250 steps each hour at work. I also park further away from the building. I usually go to the break room or restroom that is further away, so that helps. I eat at my desk, and then walk/run on my lunch break.
  • Smallerwaistwanted
    Thank you everyone, I have started doing early morning workouts at 6:30 and it seems to kick start my calorie burn. I have worked a long day today and I'm heading am almost 2000 calls already. I read somewhere about working sat at your desk on a med ball. I could do this as I work from home. I'll let you know if it's do able and helps!