If it fits your marco's you can eat it?

What's your opinion on "if it fits your marco's you can eat it" ? Also, what's your opinion on "it's as simple as calorie's in vs. calories out"?
If your diet is 80% healthy would using the other 20% daily on foods like ice cream, chocolate milk, chocolate bars, effect you?


  • youdontknowwhatyousaw
    youdontknowwhatyousaw Posts: 221 Member
    If I want something I eat it. It keeps me from obsessing about foods and binging. People crave what they can't have, so, if you make nothing off limits I find I crave a lot less things. I eat junk sometimes, mostly potato chips, but, I find knowing that if I eat a candy bar it isn't going to kill me makes me want them a lot less.

    I think the all or nothing mentality is just setting yourself up for disappointment. One day or two days or even a week of crappy eating isn't going to throw all your hard work down the drain, but, thinking you're a failure because you ate something that you consider a taboo probably is.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I've lost 25 percentage points of body fat and 90 lbs on IIFYM. Works for me.