Hello! Lots of weight to lose, looking for friends and support.

amber0o Posts: 11 Member
edited August 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I've introduced myself here a few times before but I plan on this being the last.

I have a few health problems now and have decided that Bariatrics is the way I'm going to go. I know this can be a slightly controversial subject but I hope that you can respect how I've decided to improve my life. I am almost through my prerequisites for surgery, now I need to lose about 20 pounds for final consideration. I'm working with a team, a doctor, nutritionist and therapist to help me work through my food addictions and ensure that I am fully prepared for this new lifestyle. I understand that this is not going to fix me I've done the research I've read every article I know the risks and potential complications but I also know that this tool is going to help me succeed.
I have roughly 130 lb to lose and hope that you will join me on this journey, I will be helpful and motivating and hope that you all will be also.


  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome to MFP, definitely, this will help you to reach your goal. Good Luck you can do this!! Feel free to add me.