Has anyone tried Like A Glove shorts/leggins?

oat_bran Posts: 370 Member
edited August 2017 in Health and Weight Loss

I just stumbled upon this ad. Basically it's leggins/shorts that are supposed to measure your hips/waist etc. and give you very accurate measurements. There are connected to an app which allows you to keep track of your progress.

I'm sort of intrigued because when I use measuring tape I always second guess myself about whether I'm taking the measurements in the exact same spots, whether I keep the tape parallel to the floor or not, whether I pull in my stomach too much or whether the tape isn't too loose or too tight etc.

I know that in the long term, I'll still see a definite change but when I'm losing very slowly and the scale won't move for a while it's easy to get duscouraged.

So I was wondering if anyone has tried them already?


  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I've seen them too. They're kind of expensive, but neat idea. I wonder if they shrink though when you wash them?
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited August 2017
    Another idea. Buy yourself a pair of jeans that are a size too small. Better use of $100. And eventually you can wear the jeans out.
    I started losing weight when I got a food scale. Do you have one? I even weigh leftover kids cheetos and track them here.