First time dad and gained weight

Hey guys I'm from Cali where the weather is always nice lol , so before my son I used to weigh 205 I felt in great shape like nothing could get in my way between me and my goal which was to get to at least 15%body fat ( I was at 19%) Stopped working out as much as i found out I was going to be a dad in late july 2016 started working more got a second job just wanted to be financially ready and have money saved up ready for anything. My son was born in April took about two months off to bond with my baby since then i got up to 253lbs. Luckily I have a hard labor job that I'm slowly getting into somewhat shape but it's not the same as going to the gym. Anyways sorry for the long story just started getting back into working out August 1st and just wanted some buddies on here for extra motivation , tips and /or good recipes for meal preps and if u made it this far just add me thanks and good luck to everyone on their own journey, peace and much love