Feel like giving up

Gaining weight, even if I have cutback cal allot still cheat but not very often soda chips ect mostly drinking water now I starve myself though the day and usually eat a big meal seriously depressed need some advice please I don't understand why I have gained weight


  • peraltapiano
    peraltapiano Posts: 26 Member
    Restricting yourself harshly after eating a bit too much is really common... But not effective. You might want to talk to your doctor about seeing a dietician or nutritionist so they can help you figure out what to eat to stay happy on a calorie deficit.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    If you're seriously depressed please go talk to a counselor or doctor. As for the food issues, a counselor and nutritionist could help.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    If you are truly depressed, go see a doctor.
    As far as food goes, reevaluate your diet. You might simply be lacking nutrition. A bad diet will ruin the best workouts. Instead of just tracking calories, try tracking nutrition and focus on healthy foods. That's lean meats, complex carbs, and fresh veggies.
    If you're doing any kind of weight lifting, even just body weight, you might be gaining muscle. If that's the case, that's a good thing! The best indicator of that is how clothes fit.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you're depressed, please see your doctor.

    If you want to give up, give up.

    If you want to lose weight, don't give up, but also stop doing what you're doing.

    First, find out if you really are gaining weight. Is your weight trending upwards, or is it just ups and downs?

    If you are gaining weight, you are eating too much. Cheating is eating mindlessly, and soda and chips are calorie dense, so it doesn't feel like much, and doesn't nourish you. If you aren't nourished, you will be starving yourself, even if you get in more than enough calories.

    Number of meals is not important per se, but most people feel and function much better by spreading out their intake through the day.

    You can eat and drink anything you want, but to lose weight, your total calories have to be close to the goal MFP gave you. In order to hit that goal for real, you have to weigh and log everything, and do it correctly.

    You may still want to eat more than you need, but it's way easier to resist temptation when you're well informed, well nourished, well rested, and don't feel deprived or resentful.
  • Ultio70
    Ultio70 Posts: 12 Member
    geralleen wrote: »
    Gaining weight, even if I have cutback cal allot still cheat but not very often soda chips ect mostly drinking water now I starve myself though the day and usually eat a big meal seriously depressed need some advice please I don't understand why I have gained weight

    It all came together for me when I completely divorced sugar and corn syrup and started working out. No soda ever because i cant moderate it. I went through detox and withdrawal just like I did from morphine less intense of course but noticeably the same. My Cravings actually made me sweat. I beat it by keeping my mind occupied all the time. For me that meant the gym was my new home. It literally doesn't matter what you can and can't do there all that matters is that you're doing more than before. As of yesterday I've lost 18 pounds since June 7th but that came with a change of Lifestyle. I am feeling as good as I ever have in any point in my life I have regained mental Clarity that I did not know I had lost. Don't give up you can have it too and it's so worth it. Try just 10 days no soda no sugar low carbs lots of protein. Use the app to keep track of everything and no cheating none. It will be over quickly and you'll be very happy with what happens. You will want to keep it going.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    What are your calorie goals? How much are you overeating? Have you been logging?
    I try and only weigh myself once a week Mondays because the scale can go up and down and up and down.
    If you are trying to lose the correct way you are not going to see instant results 1lbs a week is good.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    geralleen wrote: »
    Gaining weight, even if I have cutback cal allot still cheat but not very often soda chips ect mostly drinking water now I starve myself though the day and usually eat a big meal seriously depressed need some advice please I don't understand why I have gained weight

    Echoing the advice of others; please see a doctor. Let that first and foremost be your priority, because when your mind's working against you everything gets harder.

    Once you've done that, take an honest look at what you've been doing with as little self-judgment as possible (that's not a dig btw, struggled long enough with depression to know just how easy it is to be hard on yourself). If restricting is not working, try something different. A meal that is not high in calories but dense in nutrition can help you feel full, and you won't feel drawn to starving yourself throughout the day. Maybe six small meals throughout the day, or three, or two, or whatever. Take it in baby steps, one day at a time.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    edited August 2017
    geralleen wrote: »
    Gaining weight, even if I have cutback cal allot still cheat but not very often soda chips ect mostly drinking water now I starve myself though the day and usually eat a big meal seriously depressed need some advice please I don't understand why I have gained weight

    Not going to reiterate what the others have mentioned, but I agree with most of them. As for why you are gaining its because you aren't in calorie deficit. This does work, but you have to put in the effort. Log everything you consume (good, bad, ugly). Ideally you need to weigh your food for accuracy, but at the least use measuring cups and always use correct entries (no homemade or generic). Have patience.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited August 2017
    geralleen wrote: »
    Gaining weight, even if I have cutback cal allot still cheat but not very often soda chips ect mostly drinking water now I starve myself though the day and usually eat a big meal seriously depressed need some advice please I don't understand why I have gained weight

    Are you accurately and consistently logging everything you put in your mouth? That would be the most important thing, get a food scale and weigh your food. Second you can eat whatever time of day you want, you can eat as many or as few meals as you want, as long as you don't go over your calorie goal. If you are logging calories consistently and staying within your goal and still gaining weight then I would recheck my numbers to make sure you are burning more than you are eating. It's all in the math.........oh and don't dip below 1200 cals a day that just won't do you any good and you will be miserable. I eat around 1400 and eat back exercise calories.