falling back on old habits

So I have a history of a bit of disordered eating in the way of binge eating. But over the past year i was cautiously optimistic that i had possibly tamed the beast. I'd been feeling better than ever, more confident, easily maintaining my weight and all while still eating fun yummy foods and having fun date days/nights with my husband.

As of late, I've started to fall back on my old habits. My cautious optimism has been shattered, and I'm sad and disappointed. I'm unsure what's causing my backslide. I don't care for the cause to be honest, I just want to wash my hands of it, knock it off, and move on.

I'm not sure what i'm hoping to get out of creating a forum topic in here - i never do this - but hey maybe in order to move on in a way i haven't quite yet been able to do i need to do something i've never done, even if it's as small and simple as creating a forum post in an online fitness website.


  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Honestly getting to the bottom of the cause may be the only way to avoid similar backslides in the future. For me stress and binging can go hand in hand, but moreso it becomes a problem when I am very depressed. Best of luck - feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    This is my third time here. Just get back to logging and weighing yourself. You know how to do it and the time to start up again is now. I don't think any of us ever get over having bad habits. From what I read on the maintenance boards, we have to be constantly on top of things, and slip ups will occur. Not giving up when they occur is the key to success. You've had a slip up. Time to get back in the groove.