Keto wins and fails... I wanna know!



  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    Hi everyone! My husband started the keto diet 3 months ago and has already lost over 70lbs! He has TONS of energy and is looking amazing!

    That's amazing!

    I started on June 28th and weighed 280. This morning I weighed 229.

    I've had serious health issues my entire life, including autoimmune problems for the last 20+ years. For the first time in I don't know how long I can actually type without my fingers being in agony. The inflammation has gone down quite a bit in my hands and most of my other joints. Now if it would only help with the pain. My migraines have decreased by quite a bit as well. I'm pretty much housebound most of the time otherwise I'm sure my progress would be quite a bit faster.

    Definitely need to try that pizza recipe! Sounds delicious!

  • FPmama
    FPmama Posts: 3 Member
    I started my weight loss journey Keto after I had my second child.
    My goal was to lose 25kgs. I went from being a size 8-10 to a 16 whilst pregnant with my first born and I didn’t lose it all before I was pregnant with my second.

    I lost 15kgs with Keto and it helped me to learn to stop starving myself, not be afraid of good fats and instead limit my carb/sugar intake.

    I stalled for a few months and I realised that Keto is great when you have a lot of weight to lose but you lose sight of counting calories and they add up.

    I’ve started using MFP and I’ve lost another 5kgs. Now I don’t stick to any diet I just count my calories & macros and I don’t limit myself from any food groups I account for them.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Keto was a fail for me, but I learned about food choices from it, so I wouldn't exactly call it a fail. I was extremely hungry on it all the time no matter what and how much I ate, and I developed digestive issues after a while. I just didn't feel like myself for the whole time I was on it. Worst of all is that it triggered severe depression for me which is why I chose to stop white knuckling it.

    My mental health improved considerably when I stopped and I was back to my usual chipper self in just under 2 weeks, digestive issues took a little bit longer but successfully recovered, and I learned that starches play an important role in my satiety. Going back to simple dieting I was able to lose the weight I gained on keto and knowing what fills me up made it easier to choose what to eat or not to eat when I'm hungry.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Keto for me was a fail.

    It made my IBS and PMDD much, much worse, and when I realized that aside from the huge water weight drop in the beginning that I would lose the exact same amount of weight per week while including carbs, I gave it up and never looked back. It did nothing for my hunger.

    Keto/low carb causes me to have more frequent anxiety attacks, I couldn't sleep well. I didn't have any energy for lifting, kickboxing or jogging.

    I did it for around 6 months.

    This may be because carbohydrates contribute to natural serotonin production. So people with anxiety or depression (caused by serotonin deficiency) might want to avoid low-carb diets. I would go nuts without carbs myself. Some people do great on low carb diets, but it's not for everyone!
  • ArmyMedic23PFA
    ArmyMedic23PFA Posts: 726 Member
    Been doing keto with IF since coming back on here, gone from 90Kgs (198lbs) to 79Kgs (174lbs). Not going to lie was tough to start with, and there has been blips.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited September 2018
    Keto + CICO = Win. Losing sight of your caloric allotment for the day for days, weeks, months will create the distraction from your starting weight you will cry over.