Special K-My Downfall

So I eat REALLY healthy. All natural stuff. THe only time I don't? SPECIAL K. It's my weakness. I eat Special K Fruit&Yogurt Cereal for breakfast, and I almost always have one of the 90 calorie cereal bars everyday. Will this seriously inhibit me? That's a little over 200 calories a day on processed foods. I just love them so much haha. Anybody have some healthier alternatives? I dont want to eat very processed.


  • therunninghippie
    therunninghippie Posts: 53 Member
    I really don't think you're doing too badly my dear :) I make my own muesli, so that could be an option if you want cereal in the mornings! I'm still not perfect though- I eat isolates and nutrition bars (although I hope to phase it out and switch to hemp instead!)
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I really don't think you're doing too badly my dear :) I make my own muesli, so that could be an option if you want cereal in the mornings! I'm still not perfect though- I eat isolates and nutrition bars (although I hope to phase it out and switch to hemp instead!)

    Yeah it's not that big of a deal :P I just think there's too much sugar in them!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Special K is like crack. If I could, I'd eat it everyday too :P
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    Special K is like crack. If I could, I'd eat it everyday too :P

    SERIOUSLY. Everything is so delicious. The cereal/cereal bars are like HEAVENLY.