21 Day Challenge Group

Hey everyone! Every month I host a different type of "21 Day Fix Challenge Group" The next one will kick off on Mon August 21th. I am looking for seven more women who are interested in getting fit and healthy! We will complete a 21 day challenge while using a dialed in meal plan and rotating work outs that target a different area everyday. One meal a day will be replaced with the healthiest meal of the day, a Super Food smoothie packed with protein, fiber and so many nutrients. It all comes with your program -you will need a 2 sets of dumbbells (light & heavy) or resistance bands. We will be participating as a private group within a challenge app (phone or iPad) where you and other challengers will be encouraging each other every step of the way, have accountability and track all of your progress start to finish. And... I will be your coach to make sure you do not fail! Deadline to get registered is Wed Aug 16th -- Comment below or private message me if you are interested. After 105 days of flailing on my own, I stepped up and just finished this same Challenge with another group with amazing results. It's honestly the best investment I have ever made in myself and I am SO excited I want to offer the experience to My Fitness Pal friends! Add me here as a Buddy, comment or priv message me here.