Measurement time!

How often do you measure? Can be good or bad right?


  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    tjohnson29 wrote: »
    How often do you measure? Can be good or bad right?

    Can be good or bad?
    Measuring yourself is a great way to measure progress when it doesn't seem like the scale is going to budge. I measure weekly but bi-weekly or monthly is good too.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,735 Member
    I measure monthly, but I think it depends on where you're at. I'm at maintenance so monthly is just to monitor myself. If I was actively losing then maybe I'd measure more often.

    The only way it would be "bad" is if 1) you're not accurate or, 2) you let the numbers mess with your head. I'm sure there are other reasons but those are the ones I can think of.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    When I was losing I would weigh myself once or twice a week. Now that I'm in maintenance for almost a year and my weight has been pretty constant I measure basically when I'm in the mood to. I pay more attention to how my clothes fit especially my pants.

    There are so many factors that can affect your weight. To put things in perspective I have scales at work and I weighed myself a couple times during the day as part of the learning process. My weight can vary as much as five pounds.

    Once you're in maintenance use weight as a reference point. But remember it's just the number. If you're lifting you can gain weight and actually lose inches.
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
    I'm actively losing and measuring weekly; however, I don't have a scale so I don't have another option.