
Hey guys I've been trying to loose weight for so long now! But every time I try the days go the same.... i'm really happy with my calorie intake and then i over eat by wayyy too much. I need some motivation! How did you guys get started? Thanks so much!!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Stop trying and looking for motivation. If you want to do it, you just have to do it. Find out why you overeat and decide to do something else. And then just start.

    If you want more specific advice, I suggest you tell us what you are doing and what you think you should be doing, why you think you can't do that, and include your height and weight, and your goal weight.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    try measuring things out and pre-logging before you eat. it forces you to think about things in advance instead of after the fact
  • ssrgnt
    ssrgnt Posts: 2 Member
    I plan my meals for the day. I also quit buying unhealthy food, so if I want to munch I only have healthy food to chose from. Food prep is going to be the best route. But only you can motivate you. I just found out I'm prediabetic. So if I feel the urge to stray I think about my health. You need to find what is motivating you. I also watch successful weight loss stories to give me that little extra motivation.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2017
    I started off just logging everything I ate. I did this for months without changing my diet at all. All that logging really opened my eyes to what I was eating every day, and where there was room for change. Then, when I felt comfortable and ready, I started implementing changes. For me, that meant packing lunches that I enjoyed eating, staying away from potato chips except for rare occasions, cutting out almost all of my soda and fast food consumption (which I was mostly eating out of laziness, because I've never really liked soda or fast food), and reducing my nights eating out from 4-5 a week to 2-3.

    The thing is, we already know what to do to lose weight - eat fewer calories - but I think we set ourselves up to fail by trying to do everything at once. If you drink two sodas every day, you will lose weight if you switch to one soda and one iced tea. Yes, you will lose weight faster if you cut out both sodas, but that might be a big, difficult change that you don't feel up for. So instead of doing nothing, do something! You don't have to switch from all fast food to all veggies, maybe just see about getting medium fries instead of large, or switching to chicken sandwiches. I'm sure that if you spend some time just paying attention to what you're eating, you can come up with a few areas that actually feel okay changing. There are tons of suggestions floating around - just don't get overwhelmed, and don't give up.