Could Use Some Motivation-Female Friends

DM_78 Posts: 57 Member
I joined MFP about a month or so ago. I have a fair amount of weight to lose-40-55 pounds or so. I'll have a better idea of what my goal weight is as I get closer. I've lost weight in the past and regained. I am not close to my heaviest, but I have put on more weight over the past few years than I should have. I am taking things slowly this time because I am more focused on body composition rather than a clothing size or a number on a scale. I am patient and I know that it's going to take time. I want to gain strength and muscle and get leaner. For me, losing weight isn't difficult when I am working at it but finding that balance so that I can maintain and build muscle is a bit of a challenge. I would really appreciate some female MFP friends who have similar goals and/or have been successful at this for inspiration and insight. I am not one to message people with a bunch of annoying questions and I keep my food and exercise diary open to friends. While I personally lean towards bodybuilding type workouts-I also appreciate insight from powerlifters, CrossFit enthusiasts, etc. as well.
Thanks for reading and if you are female and enjoy lifting I hope you will consider adding me.


  • DM_78
    DM_78 Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry. I just realized that I posted this in the wrong forum. I intended it to go in the Bodybuilding forum.
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