Starting again

rcat5 Posts: 6 Member
Hello! My name is Amy. I started my fitness journey in May of 2016. When I first decided to change my life around, I was going to the gym 4 times a week, eating healthy and really pushing to do my best every day to break old habits. I made a pledge to myself that I would continue to make smart choices and do my best even if my best for the day was simply going to the gym for a half an hour. I've been kind and gentle to myself so that I wouldn't give up- I made small goals to achieve so that the end product didn't seem overwhelming or too far away. One of the things I decided to do was stop obsessively checking the scale. I realized that my goal every day, regardless of my end goal is to feel healthy and happy and myself. By changing my mindset, I really was living a healthy happy life. I was looking forward to workouts for stress relief, taking out anger on the treadmill; it was a way for my to let go if feelings instead of bottling it up and I felt amazing. April of this year I moved into a new city and apartment, and somehow I seemed to lose touch with my health and the gym. I got really sick for an entire month and got caught up in a ton of stupid pointless drama. I started to fall back into old habits and have been feeling really down. Despite the fact that I lost 45 pounds, I currently feel like crap all the time because of my old habits resurfacing. Currently, I am getting back to the gym, but I just don't share that love for it anymore. I need some inspiration, motivation, new friends, I want to spark up that fire again. I think thats the reason im back on this app! I want to break past this phase and really push for my goals again. I have ran 2 5k's this summer and I have another one in september, time to get moving! B)
