so scared!!

so every time I exercise, I get stuck around this weight I'm currently at 345-347...

Now 2 weeks ago, I went out of town, ended up gaining a bunch of weight
anywho, ended up coming back, doing hip hop abs, eating clean and lost 9-11lbs in a week....which put me at 346.

I'm exercising 5-6 times a week...eating clean/paleo/better
and while I know I'm working hard, I'm just scared...I just passed my scale and weighed myself and ballooned to 348.

Idk...I guess I just want to vent. But is there anything I should do differently this week u think?


  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    i also don't have much of an appetite
    kind of tired of chicken breast already
  • Nicole3789
    Nicole3789 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you're focusing too much on the number. I have the same problem. Sometimes it's better to go a few weeks without weighing yourself. If you just weighed yourself and it was only 2 lbs more, there's a good chance it's just water weight. Don't be scared! I would just try to exercise at least a little every day. Even just going for a walk after dinner will help. Then in 3-4 weeks, jump on the scale (right after you wake up and after you pee) and see the results. It can be a lot more motivating!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Just make sure you are eating under your TDEE and keep doing what you are doing. Don't stop. Keep going. I wouldn't even weigh in so much. Just keep going, and in about a month or so of doing just that, weigh yourself and see all the weight you've lost. The more you focus on the scale and get stressed about it, the more likely you are to do something to eat too much or have water retention. Just keep exercising and eating good. That's all you need to do.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    i also don't have much of an appetite
    kind of tired of chicken breast already

    Do you like fish? Pork? Turkey? Egg whites? Lean beef? Cottage cheese? There's loads more to eat than just chicken. Go find a Cooking Light magazine in the local grocery store and you'll see tons of awesome recipes that are all healthy.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    First, put the scale away. It's an evil, lying *kitten*.
    Get a measuring tape and take some measurements and progress progress photographs. Don't let a number get to you, instead focus of becoming more fit and learning how to manage your eating.

    You don't have to limit yourself to eating only chicken or anything. Figure out what you like, figure out what your ideal macronutrient intake is, and work around that instead of following a trend diet.

    The key is patience.

    What kind of exercise are you doing?

    Your food diary consistently shows "0" for water intake. Are you drinking enough water?
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    i also don't have much of an appetite
    kind of tired of chicken breast already

    Do you like fish? Pork? Turkey? Egg whites? Lean beef? Cottage cheese? There's loads more to eat than just chicken. Go find a Cooking Light magazine in the local grocery store and you'll see tons of awesome recipes that are all healthy.

    well yes i love those other foods
    i haven't been eating pork a lot lately
    i actually went pescatarian a while ago...maybe last year and every time i eat pork, my body begins to hurt
    i've obviously eaten everything else since then, though.

    i just don't know a ton of recipes. but i will get a cooking light magazine.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    First, put the scale away. It's an evil, lying *kitten*.
    Get a measuring tape and take some measurements and progress progress photographs. Don't let a number get to you, instead focus of becoming more fit and learning how to manage your eating.

    You don't have to limit yourself to eating only chicken or anything. Figure out what you like, figure out what your ideal macronutrient intake is, and work around that instead of following a trend diet.

    The key is patience.

    What kind of exercise are you doing?

    Your food diary consistently shows "0" for water intake. Are you drinking enough water?

    i don't typically track my water...but i usually have between 3-5 bottles of water a day.

    and you're right. putting the scale up.
    thx guys
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Screw that chicken business - protein can moo, oink, and make pretty much any sound you want. Screw the scale, too. Muscle may be denser when it comes to volume per pound, but fat is denser when it comes to calories per pound. As soon as you start working out, that scale becomes a lot less useful for telling how well things are going. Keep working out and focusing on being stronger because it's worth it :)
  • hello,

    You can easily get your goal if you follow some simple steps. Firstly start running if you want to reach at your goal. Also try to use the digital fitness tracking devices that are also helpful for you to reach at your goal. Also use some diet plans and choose the best one which is best for you towards your goal.

  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    You didn't mention goals, only where you're at on a weekly basis. Skip the weekly weigh ins and opt, instead, for a monthly progress report. Stop the binging, see this as a long term commitment, and be active EVERY day. Don't like chicken? That's okay. There are over 20,000 food items in any given large food market. Contrary to many opinions, there aren't magic foods out there that will melt the fat. Sure, you can make healthy choices, but it's the calorie deficit EVERY day that will make the difference in the long run. YOU CAN lose weight. The bad news is that it's hard and some days are harder than others. You're dealing with some bad habits - habits are hard to break and impossible to break if you don't replace them with good habits.

    What are your inspirations to lose weight? Remind yourself why you want to lose and let that be the focus instead of the food. I don't mean to make it sound easy - it's not. It's hard. But, it's possible. I HATE exercise. I mean I really HATE, HATE, HATE it. But six days a week, I'm working out on the Total Gym and treadmill. I hate it less than I did the first of this month, but I still hate it. But I do it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is "just do it." I don't mean to be unkind and I certainly am not suggesting that it's a walk in the park. It's not! I'm guessing there are thousands of folks here at mfp who fight the urge to skip the exercise and hold tight to their will power when pie is served at grandma's house. Those who keep walking and limit their intake make it, but it was still hard! Make peace with the fact that it's hard but also recognize that you CAN be stronger than your old habits.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    What's your TDEE? Don't know it? Find it. Then subtract 500 from your TDEE, and eat that number in calories. You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, rather than play a guessing game and accidentally lose weight by "eating clean".

    I don't know if anyone ever told you, but no matter what you eat, you won't lose weight unless you are in a caloric deficit. You can lose weight and not eat 100% clean, or you could still choose to eat 100% clean or stay in the mythical paleo diet and lose weight, as long as in caloric deficit.
    Google TDEE, find a few line calculators, some want you to enter your activity level, be honest, don't enter in what you "plan" to do, just enter what you do.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    A gain of 2 pounds is not "ballooning." I weigh myself every day, and I fluctuate as much as 4 pounds in a week. What I do is log the lowest weight I've been and wait patiently until it goes down lower than that before logging again. If the fluctuations you get from weighing every day stress you out, don't weigh every day and problem solved.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Your diary is a bit inconsistent, you have logged days everywhere from 900 to way over 2000. I would also make sure you're weighing your food. Most people think they can judge what a cup or teaspoon is, but honestly they are usually wrong. If you're off by even 20% you're vastly over or underestimating your calorie intake.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    What's your TDEE? Don't know it? Find it. Then subtract 500 from your TDEE, and eat that number in calories. You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, rather than play a guessing game and accidentally lose weight by "eating clean".

    I don't know if anyone ever told you, but no matter what you eat, you won't lose weight unless you are in a caloric deficit. You can lose weight and not eat 100% clean, or you could still choose to eat 100% clean or stay in the mythical paleo diet and lose weight, as long as in caloric deficit.
    Google TDEE, find a few line calculators, some want you to enter your activity level, be honest, don't enter in what you "plan" to do, just enter what you do.

    I'm eating way below my TDEE and working out 6 days a week. I'm sure there's a calorie deficit.
    My TDEE varies between 3500-3800 depending on what calculator I'm using. MFP tells me to eat 1900 a day.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    Your diary is a bit inconsistent, you have logged days everywhere from 900 to way over 2000. I would also make sure you're weighing your food. Most people think they can judge what a cup or teaspoon is, but honestly they are usually wrong. If you're off by even 20% you're vastly over or underestimating your calorie intake.

    Sure, I can get one of those.
    The one day I had over 2000 was Saturday, a cheat day.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm eating way below my TDEE and working out 6 days a week. I'm sure there's a calorie deficit.
    My TDEE varies between 3500-3800 depending on what calculator I'm using. MFP tells me to eat 1900 a day.

    Then, perhaps your body is going into starvation mode - that would also explain why you don't have much of an appetite.
  • Veslus
    Veslus Posts: 72 Member
    well yes i love those other foods
    i haven't been eating pork a lot lately
    i actually went pescatarian a while ago...maybe last year and every time i eat pork, my body begins to hurt
    i've obviously eaten everything else since then, though.

    i just don't know a ton of recipes. but i will get a cooking light magazine.

    If you're eating paleo there's a ton of recipes out there that will cater to your diet. :3 I eat paleo and I try to work in one new recipe a week to see how I like it. Last week was turkey meatloaf (which was amazing) and tonight is Mexican chicken in the crock pot. I've been finding my recipes on blogs, or by searching "paleo _______" on google. It's amazing how much stuff will turn up!
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Well LOLZ there's like a reason that they say to eat minus 500 from TDEE, and not minus 2000.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Well LOLZ there's like a reason that they say to eat minus 500 from TDEE, and not minus 2000.

    While this is true, the more likely reason is still underestimation in this particular case. Most people will steadfastly deny that's possible, but people these days really have little clue what the counted portions will look like on their plate. With individuals at such a starting weight it's RARELY possible to go into starvation mode. Some doctors will actually per scribe around 500 calorie a day diets in extreme cases, "starvation mode" is so overused, people fall into this buzzword mentality too often.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Well LOLZ there's like a reason that they say to eat minus 500 from TDEE, and not minus 2000.

    While this is true, the more likely reason is still underestimation in this particular case. Most people will steadfastly deny that's possible, but people these days really have little clue what the counted portions will look like on their plate. With individuals at such a starting weight it's RARELY possible to go into starvation mode. Some doctors will actually per scribe around 500 calorie a day diets in extreme cases, "starvation mode" is so overused, people fall into this buzzword mentality too often.
    right, I agree with you, she's not going into starvation mode and is probably mis- counting cals by a landslide.
    I still think a lower deficit is better to not let a person be so hungry and out of their element that they binge or outright lie about what they consume