Depression, eating junk or nothing at all

Veganvibesss Posts: 123 Member
edited August 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
This is a question for anyone who struggles with depression.
I find when I get really bad i just want to eat junk and if it's not available then I don't want to eat at all.
Does anyone get like this?
Do you have any ways of coping?
Do you eat the food anywase or not eat at all?
Do you force yourself to eat healthy and does it make you feel better?
I really need to learn some ways of getting through those really bad days because most times sooner or later I end up giving in and eating crap.
Is there anything you tell yourself or do that helps you get through that rough patch and not gain weight from overeating or feel sick from eating nothing at all?
The only thing I've managed to find that helps at all is flavored teas.
I find drinking ones that are flavored like sweets make me feel like I'm having junk and that's pretty satisfying.
Thanks for any answers


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    It's always hard. I've found for myself, that accepting that I'm having a down day (what I call a day or series of days where my depression hits) can help a lot. And I just try and do the best I can on that day. I have a habit of beating myself up doing stuff I know I shouldn't do especially when I'm depressed but compromise can help - have something healthy so I can feel a little better having the junk after. Generally I just try to do the best I can manage while being gentle on myself. Eating something is better than nothing. I will also on those days try to do things that usually help perk me up, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but it's always worth a try. Even if it just brings me up just a little bit that I make some better choices.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2017
    What is your idea of "healthy food"? Not by any chance "tasteless, boring, horrible"?

    I'm just asking because I used to eat junk food because I hated healthy food. Or so I thought. Now I eat and enjoy everything I eat, and I eat healthily.

    Maybe you're eating so little food that you're malnourished and that contributes to low mood. I know I feel a lot better after having consistently eaten better for a few years. Not demonizing or fearing food I like, also helped.

    If hunger isn't the problem, food is not the solution.

    If you are depressed, you should definitely seek help. One of the really bad things about depression, is the apathy. So if you're going to force yourself to something, force yourself to seek help. If you're getting help, seek better help.