Returning to MFP. Looking for support and advice.

Hey everyone! I was on this site religiously a while back but had to leave due to some military obligations. I ended up blowing out my elbow that took a few months to recover which really hurt my physical fitness. Now I'm fully healed and ready to get back into it though. I just got all my supplements again and wanted to post them on here along with my daily diet that I'll be carrying out for everyone to analyze and critique on. Currently, I'm 6'3" and weigh 214lbs at around 15-16% BF. My goal is to lean down to 190-195 and get to 10% BF or less. I'm hoping SideSteel will get in some advice for me on this as well. He's given great advice in the past when I needed it along with some awesome recipes (the pumpkin ice cream being my favorite still to this day).

Well, here's the supplement list to start out with:

Sport Multi Vita Pack from GNC (I know I know GNC but it was on sale)
Whey Protein or Egg White Protein (still unsure)
Casein Protein (only for before bed)
C.E.L's Cycle Assist (taking this because of two other things I'll be taking O_o shhhhhh if you must know then message me)
Omega 3-6-9's
Krealkalyn or Creatine Monohydrate (Not sure yet on which one I want to take)

My diet will consist of the following:

200g protein per day
100g carbs per day
40-50g of essential fats per day

My protein will come from Chicken Breast, Turkey Breast, Very Lean Beef (no more than once a week), Ahi Tuna, White Albacore Tuna, and Tilapia. I absolutely hate Salmon and can't even get it down so that won't be in my diet. My carbs will come from Baby Greens, Spinach, green veggies Sweet Potatoes and Beans. I won't be eating any Rice or Oatmeal unless I have to due to feeling lethargic from how much I'll be working out. My fats will be coming from Extra Virgin Olive Oil on my salads, some veggies like Avocados, Flax Seeds and various nuts like Walnuts, Almonds etc.

My workout schedule will be as follows:

Monday - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Abs for about an hour of 12-15 rep sets followed by a 15 minute circuit of core work with Kbells.

Tuesday - A 500 meter combat sidestroke swim (slick) followed by a 3 mile run.

Wednesday - Back, Biceps and Abs for about an hour of 12-15 rep sets followed by a 15 minute circuit of core work with Kbells.

Thursday - A 500 meter combat sidestroke swim (slick) followed by a 3 mile run.

Friday - Legs and Abs for about an hour of 12-15 rep sets followed by a 15 minute circuit of core work with Kbells.

Saturday - A 500 meter combat sidestroke swim (slick) followed by a 3 mile run.

Sunday - Rest day.

All of my lifting will be with about a minute of rest in between sets. I'll be doing 4 sets of each exercise with the 1st set at 15 reps, the 2nd set at 12 reps and the 3rd set at 10 reps each increasing in weight. The 4th set will be 15 reps at the same weight as the first set to burn out. I lift as heavy as possibly for these sets for example on a flat bench, the 1st set with 80lb dumbbells for 15 reps, the 2nd set with 90lb dumbbells for 12 reps, the 3rd set with 100lb dumbbells at 10 reps and the 4th set with 80lb dumbbells for 15 reps. Also when I lift I will be switching each week between dumbbell workouts and olympic bar workouts to have variety so that I don't get bored with doing the same thing all the time. When I hit Abs it will be in 4- 5 sets of 20-25 reps with about 4 different exercises to hit upper, mid, lower and obliques each time.

What are everyone's thoughts on this? Will my diet be sufficient enough to fuel my workouts? I'm not worried about feeling exhausted or lethargic after the workouts, my main worry is having enough fuel to get through the workouts. Should I up my carb intake or is it okay where it's at? I also forgot to add that I train in Martial Arts 4x a week for about an hour and a half each time. I'll be getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night so I should be fully rested. My job during the day isn't very active anymore so my body won't be put through much stress other than the workouts.

If anyone is looking for some support as well then let's be friends and keep each other motivated! Thank you to everyone who takes the time out to respond to this, I appreciate it greatly.


  • Forgot to add Egg Whites to my list of protein sources @_@ Duh!!!
  • Bump
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    First of all, thank you for your service.

    From what I see, it looks like you might be under caloried. Quite a bit under caloried. Using the stats you provided, I plugged them in to the Calorie Calculator over at Scooby's workshop. They estimate your TDEE at 3786 calories/day (with your training plan, that seems good). You want to lose about 20 pounds. so I'd plan on doing TDEE - 10%, which would put your daily calorie requirement about 3400 calories/day. 200g/protein looks great and about right for you. That'll take care of 800 calories, leaving another 2600 to go. If you have only 100g of carbs, that'll only be another 400 calories, leaving 2200 calories a day (or 244g) of fat. Seems out of whack, doesn't it? A macro split of 12/64/24 (carb/fat/protein) just looks so wrong. Unless you are intentionally trying to do low carb, which is another matter.

    As for me, and what has worked for me til now (right now I'm on a 4-week ketogenic diet so I'm talking before now) is a 50/25/25 split. That would put your carbs about 400g. That would seem more reasonable.

    I would worry that you wouldn't be taking in enough calories to support such a vigorous workout load. So I think you should probably rethink the carb and fat splits. Just MHO. Take it for what it's worth.
  • Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look into upping the carb intake a bit. I really only want just enough carbs to fuel the workouts and nothing else. I had a feeling I was going to need more than the 100g I was going to start with but I wanted to get someone else's opinion first. I also posted this on the primal/paleo board after someone mentioned that to me so that should give me some more advice too. Btw, what's scooby's workshop?
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Sorry, didn't see you're reply. Scooby's Workshop is a site that I, and a lot of other people here, use for info on calorie requirements. It also has a lot of other articles on weight loss, body building, and other great topics that may be of interest to you. It has a tools section to help calculate calorie requirements that I think is the best around (besides do it yourself). It is at:

    The other website I use a lot with some great tools is at Their tools for on=line bodyfat measurements are the best out there. They have 3 different bodyfat measurements where you enter different body measurements. I use all 3, take the average, and figure it'll be close. It has come out very close to caliper measurements every time that way. It is at

    Good luck.
  • Thanks a ton for those websites. Looked into them and they were extremely helpful. Makes me wonder why the hell I haven't been using them before haha.