Monthly weigh-ins or weekly weigh-ins... which one do u guys prefer???



  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a daily convert. I used to log weekly, but decided to follow my own advice on one of the threads here and try out daily for a week and see how I fared with it. I'm finding it really useful. I track my weight on Libra (for Android) and it's interesting to see how much my weight fluctuates throughout the week. And some of the fluctuations are weirdly drastic. Like last week, I was slowly creeping up all week, and if I'd weighed weekly on one of those days I would have been massively discouraged (even though it's to be expected given *ahem* the time of the month). When I weighed myself yesterday though, I was down almost a kilo on last week.

    I'm still trialling it out, and if I find I'm becoming obsessive about the scale, I'll probably go back to once a week. For now though, I'm finding it the most effective way to track my weight loss, and knowing about daily fluctuations and seeing the pattern slowly shift downwards on a graph is massively encouraging.
  • lilistrawberry
    lilistrawberry Posts: 6 Member
    I am also tracking my weight every morning on a daily basis and am actually just using the MFP app for it.
    Whether you are doing it daily or weekly (or even monthly) should be a personal choice based on what you are most comfortable with. All methods obviously have their pros and cons.
    Personally, I feel that tracking daily gives me a more accurate database, altough I must admit that it took me some time to accept a few days of stagnation with no change in weight, no matter how disciplinated I was with my food intake, without being frustrated about it. This is also why I make one exception to the daily tracking, which is the day after an occasional cheatmeal, where I refuse to weigh in :lol:
  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Daily. It helps me understand and follow the normal fluctuations. I trend in happy scale & libra.