Morning fasting



  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    When I eat breakfast, it triggers cravings and hunger for the rest of the day, which makes me eat way too much. I eat only one meal a day (around lunchtime). So yes, skipping breakfast for me is a must. I drink black coffee until noon. Then have an enormous meal, anything I want.. a full day's worth of calories. I get so full, I take a long nap, and I am done with food for tge next 23 hours.
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I've been doing 16:8, eating for sixteen hours and fasting for 8. But I haven't lost an ounce. :/
    Maybe I'll try keto?

    You are probably taking in the same number of calories. With IF you skip a meal, therefore you eat less. If you are trying to eat everything you can on the 8 hours, you won't have a calorie deficit
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    igarcia13 wrote: »
    You are probably taking in the same number of calories. With IF you skip a meal, therefore you eat less. If you are trying to eat everything you can on the 8 hours, you won't have a calorie deficit
    I think my joke went so far over your head, nasa will have to retrieve it.

    I giggled
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I've been doing 16:8, eating for sixteen hours and fasting for 8. But I haven't lost an ounce. :/
    Maybe I'll try keto?

    That's because your not in a caloric deficit, going keto won't change it if you still over your maintenance calories.

    Methinks he was joking. ;)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    igarcia13 wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I've been doing 16:8, eating for sixteen hours and fasting for 8. But I haven't lost an ounce. :/
    Maybe I'll try keto?

    You are probably taking in the same number of calories. With IF you skip a meal, therefore you eat less. If you are trying to eat everything you can on the 8 hours, you won't have a calorie deficit

    with IF even if you skip a meal that doesnt mean you will eat less. you can still overeat doing IF. I have done it. as for the person saying they will do keto. its not going to make a difference you still have to be in a deficit with keto as well.
  • LovesDogsAndBooks
    LovesDogsAndBooks Posts: 190 Member
    I couldn't skip breakfast, I can't stand the thought of going about the first couple hours of my day without eating! I found that I have an easier time having my last food hours before I go to bed, then I still read for an hour or two in bed, and even if I feel a little hunger pinch that doesn't bother me because I know I'm going to sleep soon and won't notice it. When I wake up I'm ready for breakfast immediately, though!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I couldn't skip breakfast, I can't stand the thought of going about the first couple hours of my day without eating! I found that I have an easier time having my last food hours before I go to bed, then I still read for an hour or two in bed, and even if I feel a little hunger pinch that doesn't bother me because I know I'm going to sleep soon and won't notice it. When I wake up I'm ready for breakfast immediately, though!

    thats fine if it works for you. you dont have to fast if you dont want to.its not for everyone