Help me layout my keto diet plan

Hello all

I really want to try keto,because I want the fat off quicker than the normal weight loss but I am unsure how to start im well over 300lbs im 28 healthy male all things considering im 6 foot even my TDEE is 3294 Im unclear on how to start and maintain ketosis.

1.what foods should i buy at the grocery store?what foods should I not eat? are salads and fruits ok,i need a grocery list and meal plan.
2.what can i use as a guide to measure carbs fat and protein to make sure im doing the whole thing right with no mistakes.
3.what types of fitness should i do for 7 days a week im a beginner lifter but i would like to run SS while on much cardio should be done how much lifting do i need dumbbells? many calories should i cut from my TDEE While running keto. bad is the crappy feeling phase?i feel crappy enough as is?
6.what are my prospects for weight loss on keto for 3 months I read a guy took of 100lbs in 2 months is this possible and realistic?
7.just basically I need a keto diet for dummies something I can read and understand clearly,all the difficult terms and big words confuse me i just want to get in to ketosis and stay there long enough to gets its max benefits.

So all you keto experts please help me resolve my issues questions and concerns and help me get in to ketosis quickly i really need a madden play by play on this new journey.
Trying to make it!!!!


  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    If you want to try keto, start off with reading this:

    Most of your questions are answered there, with links and guides.

    Good luck and enjoy "ketosis high" :wink:
  • icelanski
    icelanski Posts: 15
    I have read that before and im still unclear about my keto macro ratio specificaly taylored to my tdee and my weight and height
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    ad 1). Leafy, watery vegetables -- eat in abundance. Keto is based on calorie dense foods, you need extra volume and fiber, so you don't damage your intestines. Fruits are a no go, fructose is likely to throw you out of ketosis. You got the list of aye and nay foods in the link in my previous post.

    ad 2). Check the macro nutrients tables for foods, use MFP food diary. Set your goal to 5% carbs. If you're going to lift, add 1g of protein per 1lb of lean body mass, and set your protein goal accordingly. Rest of your calorie goal should come from fats.

    ad 3) SS on keto is absolutely doable. But different people react differently. Some report being really tired, sleepy, weakened, light headed, having heat waves at the beginning -- if that's your case, do not exercise at all, just try waiting it out. If you're healthy, and there are no reasons why you shouldn't be in keto, it'll fade the moment your body adapts to burning ketones. Then you can start lifting. At first, do not do any cardio, just lift. Save cardio for when your body is fully adapted and add it gradually when you need to speed up fat burning.

    ad 4) Start off slowly, cut 10-15%. You'll be losing a lot of weight anyway, but your goal is to preserve muscle mass while shedding fat. No drastic measures!

    ad 5) That is individual, really hard to tell. For some it's really bad. Now I was on low carb diet for a long time before starting keto, so I not only didn't feel bad, but actually much better ("keto high") and my athletic performance improved.
  • pancakedebate

    This should help with your specific macros ratio. I'm new at this too and I found this calculator especially helpful.