The time has come to get serious about this

Hey everyone. 31 here. Living in the hot hot Sonoran desert in the Phoenix metro area of Arizona. Most of my life has been a roller coaster of good, and not so good health. For the first time in my life, I am ready to get off the roller coaster and walk into a lifestyle of health, rather than just a fad fueled by vanity and self-loathing. I want to be healthier so that I can actually enjoy life, rather than being knocked down by it. I have a chronic illness that is easier to manage when I am eating right and exercising regularly. No kids for me. I am married and thankfully he is supportive of me taking this journey. I can't help but feel like the Tim Mcgraw song, "In my next 30 years" is my battlecry.

To healthier I go.


  • allieparkia
    allieparkia Posts: 304 Member
    Arizonan here too!! Always looking for more motivation! Feel free to add me.