I Can't Freaking Do It



  • SecularVegan
    SecularVegan Posts: 16 Member
    Well I had about a books worth of information typed out, but this dumb app deleted my comment when I accidentally hit "done" instead of "post reply". So frustrating.
    Anyways, just assume I put a lot of time and effort into this, because I did. You just can't see it.
    Long story short, I wanted to die, been fat forever. Weighed 310lbs. Watched What the Health on Netflix and read the books The Starch Solution and now I'm cured. My mind is free from the grasp of what society thinks is health food.
    I now weigh 262lbs and I cured my binge eating disorder, no longer have panic attacks, and I am no longer a pre diabetic. I crave healthy foods for the first time ever. I almost cried when I realized my mouth was watering at the thought of snap peas. (My fav food now)
    There's no starving, or counting, or exercising. Just a change of mind. Which then leads to a change of habit. The Standard American Diet is founded on addictions and money making corporations. Not health.
    There's a reason we don't see celery commercials, lol.
    Please look into it for yourself. Open your mind and be willing to receive help.
    I am happy to walk you through it as well. Just let me know.
    This truly works. I wouldn't bother writing ANOTHER long comment just to say something untrue.
    You can beat this, I did, and so have many others. Not by starving or eating lettuce. But by enjoying life and feasting on hot tomato soup with savory sandwiches. Burritos, tacos, pasta, baked potatoes, large delicious salads with tons of crispy fries on the side. Steaming oatmeal with fresh fruit and granola. Smoothies and teas. Anything you could ever want!
    It works. Just take a chance to change your life. <3