Question for runners



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do it outside as much as you can, I find them totally different
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    On the treadmill, add an incline of 3%-5%; that is supposed to mimick the outside running
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Run on the road more often.

    This. The treadmill does a good portion of work for you. Run outside always. The other thing is if you plan on racing - the treadmill doesn't prepare you to run in all kinds of weather. I have ran a half marathon in torrential downpour, a 5k in a blizzard and a full marathon in 96 degree w/60% humidity temps. Treadmills have controlled temps, steady movement and do not force you to work against your own personal resistance. Ditch the treadmill - you're wasting your time. Also, look up tempo running or "fartlek" running to improve your pace outside. good luck!
  • jrknotts
    jrknotts Posts: 45 Member
    I'm the other way around.

    I run faster on the ground (usually average 8mh per my app). Treadmill 7-7.5; feels like I am going to get thrown off any faster than that.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    When you run on a treadmill, you are not propelling yourself forward like you have to do when you run outside. Therefore, it is "easier" to run at that pace on the treadmill than it is outside. The only way to improve actual running is to do it outside where you have the variation in inclines, wind, weather, humidity, etc. I reserve the treadmill for rainy days or winter and then run outside each and every chance I get.

    Blimey, I could have written this posting myself, it is identical to what I would have put, therefore, I am compelled to second it lol.

    OP also, the more you run outside, the easier it gets, just don't go out too fast, too soon, it is much easier to pace yourself on the treadmill because it does the speed for you and you just have to keep running, however, outside it is different and it is your responsibility to set your own pace, there is nothing else to rely on . Persevere, you will soon find you will be able to pace yourself and then you can go for improving your times etc.