New to myfitness pal

Just thought I would say hi! Have found this site and it's great I think. Looking forward to sharing progress and hopefully getting some good advice. I currently track calories (on spreadsheet) and keep an eye on 3 measurements which at the moment are: Height 6ft, Weight 86 kg, Waist 95 cm.
I am 48 years old and don't really want to lose weight but would like to have a smaller belly and bigger chest and shoulders! Currently I do gym twice a week (weights only) rpm (spin class) twice a week and walk 4 miles to and from work every day. Anyway, hi everyone!!


  • lorrainebenj51
    lorrainebenj51 Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like you hv a good routine going all the best
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Lorraine. Yes routine seems okay to me not sure I could do any more but belly never gets smaller it is very stubborn!