Hi everybody, just getting started with this app.

Just started using this app to help lose weight and get back in shape. Any advice or tips would be great.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Keep it simple

    Just eat less calories than you burn, don't cut out the foods you like just eat less of them to fit them in.
  • feathernaut
    feathernaut Posts: 66 Member
    My advice would be to acknowledge where you're more likely to cheat and plan your day accordingly!
    For example, I tend to binge at night - and so to counter this, I like to save a lot of my calories for dinner time and eat less in the earlier parts of the day. I also do way better on days I've pre-logged all my food.

    Find what work for you and good luck!
  • Lee1st1974
    Lee1st1974 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi. Your right, I'm in this for a lifestyle change for long term so thanks for the advice it all helps.
  • RockTex
    RockTex Posts: 27 Member
    I log all my food for breakfast, lunch and any snacks. That gives me a delta for dinner. If I somehow got in some extracurricular eating in during the day I know its going to be a light dinner. I find this helps a lot knowing what I have left going into the evening.
  • drkidd5316
    drkidd5316 Posts: 19 Member
    Go online find out what your macros are, plug them into the section under goals and try to hit those macros everyday. I like to plan what I'm going to be eating the next day the night before. That way I can play around with food and change up what I eat occasionally.
  • hunhun57
    hunhun57 Posts: 74 Member
    Eat healthy ... no junk food. Prepping meals ahead of time do help. And oh the fun word ... Exercise finding something you enjoy doing, weight lifting, swimming, elliptical, running etc. Last drink lots of water!! Get lots of sleep!!