Need Friends to Help Motivate Me!

BTAYYY Posts: 2 Member
Hey everyone, my name is Brittany and I live in Toledo, Ohio. I started my workout regimen about a week ago, I started the first day and could only do 20 mins on the elliptical. Yesterday I got up to 35 mins and today i'm going for 45 and tomorrow and this weekend will be doing 1 hour and all next week. I am combining this with a one hour yoga class every other day for some strength training but the reason i'm starting this way is i have almost so stamina currently. So i figured two weeks of intensive cardio on the elliptical would be a good place to start. I have to say its been a week and I'm already not bloated (i got rid of all the bad sugars and junk food from my house, i figured on cheat days i can go get something i want) and i've been doing clean eating. Feel great and it's been a week. Why didn't i do this years ago!?!?! 62 pounds to lose! Add me so we can motivate each other!!!


  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hello Brittany, Welcome to MFP, Good Luck!!
  • MikeSUGA1
    MikeSUGA1 Posts: 11 Member
    I have started working out in a group setting, and it helps so much. Accountability is a must for this journey. I love this app for that. Also, I need 40 lbs. gone. Let's do this you sexy beast!!