I am interested in doing a detox/cleanse but I don't know much about all of them that are out there! The main reason i want to do it is to rid my body of toxins, etc. but I'd really like a side effect to be weight loss :) hehe

anyone have any experience with detoxes/cleanses? reccommendations?

I was reading about the Master Cleanse (yes, the lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper, maple syrup one lol) and I have mixed feelings about it.

any help is greatly appreciated! :)

I need a jumpstart back into dieting and exercising! I've been slacking these past 2-3 weeks and feel like a fat LARD! HELPPPP!!


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Scam. Be one of the smart people and ignore the subject entirely.
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    Scam. Be one of the smart people and ignore the subject entirely.

    The Master Cleanse is a scam or detoxes and cleanses are a scam in general? If so, please explain.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I swear by them. Use the all natural ones. I get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe, Cant think of the name right now but I know it has a sun on it. No it does not give you cramps or diarrhea, at least for me it doesnt, just when you go you go!!! I wasnt losing weight and I started the detox and the weight just started to fall off. I do it seasonally.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Triple Leaf Detox teas are awesome too! The name of the cleanser I was talking about is Renew Life.
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    I swear by them. Use the all natural ones. I get mine at The Vitamin Shoppe, Cant think of the name right now but I kow it has a sun on it. No it does not give you cramps or diarrhea, at least for me it does, just when you go you go!!! I wasnt losing weight and I started the detox and the weight just started to fall off. I do it seasonally.

    AWESOME!! That's exactly what I want! I feel like I am at a plateau and i need a kick in the butt! or gut ;) haha
    I will definitely be trying this sooon! :D
  • melissabranscom
    I have used the whole body cleanse from GNC. I used the cleanse because I had been having yeast infection in my ears. It is in pill form and easy to take. It did not keep me in the bathroom and helped regulate bowel movements. Afterward, my infection did leave and I was happy with the way I felt. Good Luck!
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I believe everyone has toxins and "sludge" in their digestive systems, and your digestive system is your metabolism,.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Scam. Be one of the smart people and ignore the subject entirely.

    The Master Cleanse is a scam or detoxes and cleanses are a scam in general? If so, please explain.

    In general. They are classic scams that have been around for decades. There is no scientific evidence that they work. If you know anything about human physiology, the very concept of "getting rid of toxins" is absurd. 99% of all claimed "benefits" from cleanses come from autosuggestion and the placebo effect.
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    I have used the whole body cleanse from GNC. I used the cleanse because I had been having yeast infection in my ears. It is in pill form and easy to take. It did not keep me in the bathroom and helped regulate bowel movements. Afterward, my infection did leave and I was happy with the way I felt. Good Luck!

    My mom just mentioned this one to me. Did you see any weight loss at all? I know its not my main goal but definitely a great plus ;) and I like that this did not keep you in the bathroom! this will definitely be on my list to try.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I just heard of a 3 day juice cleanse. Have you heard anything about that one? I'm trying to find out more.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I like the Master cleanse ALOT! But if you've never cleansed before, I would recommend easing into it with something less strict. has a ton of nutrition, lifestyle, and cleansing information. The book The New Detox Diet is a great guide.

    Cleanses vary. Any change in lifestyle from something less healthy to something more healthy is detoxifying. I steer clear of products in stores simply because they are often more marketing and less helpful. If you look at the ingredients in those cleanses, you can see that it is something you can do on your own. The proper herbal teas, enough hydration and fiber and proper elimination are the physical keys. Mental relaxation and elimination, as well as spititual release and support are equally important.

    A true cleanse will simply transition you from toxic foods and lifestyles to clean plant based foods and less toxic living.

    These topics tend to get bashed on here and end up being non-productive. So feel free to PM me if you want. I cleanse regularly and I follow a mostly clean lifestyle, but I'm human and sometimes eat chips, drink beer, and even smoke a cig sometimes. Cleansing helps me get back in balance. I've also researched the crap out of it and been open with my doctors about it. I'm not an expert, but I am aware of all the lingo, the reasons, the basics, the research, and the reasons. People hear detox and assume its a crock. Detoxing happens when you go from eating crap to good foods. Period. Everybody is entitled to choose how they make that transition so as long as they understand the purpose of what they are doing and they do it in a way that they can maintain forever.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Totally agree with detoxes and cleanses being unnecessary and perhaps even harmful. There is no need to do a detox, your body can do that on its own if you provide it with the right tools (drink water and eat lots of fruit, veggies and healthy food).
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    I COMPLETELY agree with WannaBeACullen. She couldn't have said it better. a detox is going from any toxic food to a healthier "clean" food. Detoxes have been marketed as starvation diets and they are not--if you know about them and know about the human body. which I do.
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    I just heard of a 3 day juice cleanse. Have you heard anything about that one? I'm trying to find out more.

    No i haven't heard anything about this but will look into it as well!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Totally agree with detoxes and cleanses being unnecessary and perhaps even harmful. There is no need to do a detox, your body can do that on its own if you provide it with the right tools (drink water and eat lots of fruit, veggies and healthy food).

    This is EXACTLY what cleansing is!

    Transition from bad to good. Period. The American marketing industry has totally ruined it. When people see detox they automatically think about insane starvations diets and products that claim to lose tens of pounds in just a few days with some new miracle herb.

    Its sad really. Thats not what it is. If you go out drinking for a weekend or overindulge on vacation- when you are transitioning back to a healthy lifestyle, you are cleansing. When you quit smoking, drinking alcohol or caffiene, or get off proccessed foods, it is detoxifying and cleansing. You can do that and use OTC meds to combat the symptoms of withdrawl, or you can take a more natural approach with a lighter diet of fresh raw foods, herbs, and yoga. Either method works, but the later eliminates dependence on "toxins" or things not made in nature but by man. Same results, different method.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I COMPLETELY agree with WannaBeACullen. She couldn't have said it better. a detox is going from any toxic food to a healthier "clean" food. Detoxes have been marketed as starvation diets and they are not--if you know about them and know about the human body. which I do.

    Thank you!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Bump to read this forum in depth later on. I wanted to try the master cleans but the drinking of salt water really worried me along with the need for the smooth moves tea. Laxatives can be addictive by the body and prevent you from going naturally so that was also a concern of mine.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Bump to read this forum in depth later on. I wanted to try the master cleans but the drinking of salt water really worried me along with the need for the smooth moves tea. Laxatives can be addictive by the body and prevent you from going naturally so that was also a concern of mine.

    I agree. I was leary about it my first time around so I skipped that part. Honestly, it was much worse by skipping it. I didn't last but 2 days. What I learned is that the elimination is the most important part of the cleanse. While senna can be addictive, this cleanse does not really allow for that. You only use it as you feel you need it. I only use it at night time and after the first 2 days I only do it every other day. The salt water is really a blessing in disguise. It sounds horrible, but it really works. (When I had a colonoscopy that is what the used to clean me out, except the medical version has electrolytes added)

    My colon specialist told me that it really doesn't harm you when done properly. But on the other hand, my internist told me to never do it again and then sent me to the colon specialist who told me to keep doing it. He said that it is intense, yet not as harmful as it may seem. As always, you should ask your own medical team what they think, of course. But like I said, my own doctors were torn. Ultimately, I stuck with my colon specialist since he specializes in that part:tongue:
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Totally agree with detoxes and cleanses being unnecessary and perhaps even harmful. There is no need to do a detox, your body can do that on its own if you provide it with the right tools (drink water and eat lots of fruit, veggies and healthy food).

    This is EXACTLY what cleansing is!

    Transition from bad to good. Period. The American marketing industry has totally ruined it. When people see detox they automatically think about insane starvations diets and products that claim to lose tens of pounds in just a few days with some new miracle herb.

    Its sad really. Thats not what it is. If you go out drinking for a weekend or overindulge on vacation- when you are transitioning back to a healthy lifestyle, you are cleansing. When you quit smoking, drinking alcohol or caffiene, or get off proccessed foods, it is detoxifying and cleansing. You can do that and use OTC meds to combat the symptoms of withdrawl, or you can take a more natural approach with a lighter diet of fresh raw foods, herbs, and yoga. Either method works, but the later eliminates dependence on "toxins" or things not made in nature but by man. Same results, different method.

    Sorry, that is what it is. The opening poster was asking about the cleansing diet, consisting of the lemon juice clense. That is not eating cleanly, that is doing a fad detox, which is not necessary.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495

    Sorry, that is what it is. The opening poster was asking about the cleansing diet, consisting of the lemon juice clense. That is not eating cleanly, that is doing a fad detox, which is not necessary.

    The master cleanse is not a fad or a diet. I do it regularly. It is not what you have heard in the media. Not trying to debate, but I feel that this is very misunderstood. It is just a means of relaxing the GI system and taking it easy. It is also a means of spiritual cleansing.

    It may not be necessary, but neither is Mirilax. Its just a choice each individual makes towards their own better health. You can take Mirilax or you can drink salt water and drink a lemon mixture. The end result is the same. Regularity. Except with the cleanse you also ease back into clean eating and stick with it, while mirilax just helps you poop. Unless you take the extra effort towards a healthier diet. Of course, those who are living clean wouldn't opt for OTC remedies, but for more natural methods if they needed it. Therefore, cleansing is available to those people. The master cleanse is just one type.