Steps calories



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I think it depends a LOT on weight - I got 567 extra calories from fitbit yesterday for about 1500 steps (most of them due to an hour of running/walking). I'm smaller and at a lower weight, so I think that factors in.

    Did you mean 15,000 steps @mph323 ?
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    ritzvin wrote: »
    I just did the math based on the typical amounts from my Garmin & MFP (~37.6 cal/mi with ~2450 steps/mi minus 0-pt of 43cal/1.14mi/2800steps) on the days where I didn't get exercise outside of miscellaneous walking -- 1000 calorie adjustment for me would equate to 26.6 mi or 65160 steps. Or a ~13.5 mi run.

    that being said...if I'm walking anything more than 10 miles, I'm hiking anyway -and the calorie burn will be a lot larger due to the terrain.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I think it depends a LOT on weight - I got 567 extra calories from fitbit yesterday for about 1500 steps (most of them due to an hour of running/walking). I'm smaller and at a lower weight, so I think that factors in.

    Did you mean 15,000 steps @mph323 ?

    oops, yeah. Nice catch!
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    edited August 2017
    I generally get about 800 calories extra from my daily 15,000+ steps. So far it seems fairly accurate as I eat according to what it shows I burn, and I haven't gained anything back. Most of those steps happen during fairly vigorous dog walks though. (11-18km at a moderate to fast pace)