Weekly Caloric Intake, not just daily.



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I mostly only care about my weekly goal. Some days I'm way over but other days I'm under and it evens out :smile:
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    You should be fine. After all, when it comes to your body, we're talking about things you do over long expanses of time. If, over time, you maintain a defecit, you will lose weight.

    I think the benefit of "worrying" (but not too much) about your daily calories is that it then makes sure you've kept your weekly calories in line. As the saying goes "take care of the pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves" (substitute "pounds" for "Dollars" if you want the British version). If I keep my daily levels in control, my weekly levels automatically fall in line.

    There is the risk in shifting your mindset to one where you can "make up for it later" in that you might keep repeating it. You over-eat on Monday, planning to make up for it on Tuesday. You don't make up for it on Tuesday, so you say you'll do it Wednesday. Keep repeating that, and you end up never making up for it. But that's entirely dependant on your ability to properly control your zig-zagging. Some people have no problem, some people have big problems.

    Myself, I keep track of my calories on a daily level, but i also have a running spreadsheet where I monitor my calorie balance on a monthly level so that I can see if I'm averaging out to the right kind of defecit.