Starting up again with a lifestyle change!! Feel free to add me :)

velossien Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys! I have used MFP (and sparkpeople) on and off throughout the years, but my sweet tooth (I love me some ice cream!!) and a terrible work/school/life got in the way. I've never been a healthy weight, but throughout college and Optometry (eye doctor) school my weight went up about 60 lbs.

After working as an Optometrist for about 3 years I realized that it wasnt for me and I am on my way to a new career! I am now taking advantage of some time off to reset my mindset and start a new healthy life!!

I am always looking for new friends, so feel free to add me! My profile and diary are open to friends.:)


  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 168 Member
    Good luck on your journey :)
  • MsMichelle2112
    MsMichelle2112 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I could have written this post myself, except I'm a teacher not an optometrist. It's so hard juggling work and uni while looking after yourself; It's no wonder people struggle with the daily life kind of stuff!

    Good luck with your new career and weightloss journey!