Barriers to keeping fit

Looking for tips and tricks to stay on track while injured or for those with mobility limitations. Ive been in 2 car accidents and found that it was tough adjusting. Certain exercises I couldnt do anymore or had to modify. There was also recovery from surgery where I was instructed to not lift over 10lbs, no stairs, no cardio, etc for 6 weeks. Because of a drop in activity level I had to adjust my calorie intake. I want to start a general discussion for tips on how to stay on track when you have some kind of physical or medical limitation.


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    For those people restricted by how much weight they are allowed to lift, doing a slow routine can help with muscle and strength retention.
    These kind of exercises are usually aimed at the older person, but are applicable to anyone at any age with or without physical limitations.

    Here is one link, I am sure there are many more examples.

    Cheers, h.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    When you are recovering from surgery or an injury you don't want to be too aggressive with cutting calories. The calories are needed for repairing the injury. The faster you heal the sooner you can return to training.
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member

    You mentioned recovery from surgery and instructions not to lift over 10lbs, no stairs, no cardio. In that case, I would ask the doctor about exercise. Perhaps gentle walking or flexibility exercises?

    I had a medicine reaction to an antibiotic last year, which gave me severe tendonitis in my arms and shoulders. It lasted 4-5 months. I did nothing with my upper body during that time -- I was worried about even carrying a bag of groceries because I could possibily rupture a tendon. I walked and jogged on the treadmill, that's all.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    The biggest challenge I have when injury stops me from exercising is to not let frustration get out of hand and turn into depression. I try to channel my "poor me" indulgences into things like binge watching Netflix, rather than binge eating ice cream. I also try to remain vigilent about when I might be able to safely start select exercise.