Anxiety about meeting with a trainer today

Hey there. So I've lost 21.5lbs since June 4 and I've decided to kick up my exercise routine. I'm moving my body a few times a week, which is more than I was a few months ago, but I want to see what else my body can do. I was an athlete in my younger years and have since turned to jelly. I'd like to see if I can get a bit of that athlete back. My birthday is Wednesday and for a gift to myself I've decided I'm going to meet with a personal trainer once a week for a year. Today is my first session and I'm scared s**tless! I haven't told anyone how scared I am either (except you - lol)!

I don’t know exactly what I’m scared of though. I’m not a complainer when it comes to these things. I get in there and get it done. My only condition is that the trainer allow me to curse. I don’t curse on a usual basis, but when I do it makes me feel good. I had my personal exercise assessment on Saturday and I cursed a lot and it felt great. I got through all of the exercises I was doing, and cursed along the way. Of course when it was all done I felt great – not because I could curse, but because I got through the workout and did what was asked of me. Still I don’t know why I’m having the anxiety I’m having (I’m broken out in hives, which is what I do when I have anxiety).

I don’t know if I’m nervous that I won’t follow through on my commitment (story of my life) or what life will be like on the other side. It makes me very uncomfortable when people comment on my weight loss. I don’t like to talk about it (who does) and almost don’t want to acknowledge it in case I fail. I’ve had people tell me that it looks like I’m losing weight and I thank them and stop the conversation. When you lose weight you acknowledge that you are fat and that’s a crappy feeling. This time everything feels different though. I’m eating real food and watching my portions – something I’ve never done. I’ve always done a prepackaged meal, Atkins or WW for a diet. I decided this time that I wouldn’t do any of that because to me they all felt like a diet and not a way to live. I’m not putting those methods down because they work, just not for me. I can’t live my life on a “diet”. I need to just live and have food be my fuel. I don’t know why it’s taken me nearly 39 years to understand that – I blame my thick Irish skull!

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I hate that I have these feelings, but happy I can just put them out there to everyone here. I know I’m not the only one who has gone through this and am looking forward to being an “after”! Enjoy your Monday everyone!


  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    You'll be fine! LOL! But be prepared to get worked HARD!! The trainer is probably going to access what your fitness level is today. Don't be scared! You're going to love it and you'll be amazed at how hard you can push yourself.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    You'll be great. I went into my relationship with my trainer not knowing what I would get. That was 3 years ago and we're still together. Now not only is he my trainer, but he is one of my best friends in the world. We torment each other endlessly, as only good friends can do. He was the one got me started here after total knee replacement. He is one of the main reasons I'm doing this. I want to look good at his wedding coming up in October. We've been through me coming out, finding a partner, him through several girfriends and now a fiancee, weight loss, surgery, starting his own gym, you name it, we've been through it together.

    I don't know if you'll end up with that kind of relationship with your trainer, but they can make all the difference in the world so get what you can. And work out like a demon. You only get one go through in this world. There are no do-overs.
  • sassyrayofsunshine
    sassyrayofsunshine Posts: 499 Member
    That sounds like a great personal commitment!!! You sound like you have your mind set, so try looking at it as something exciting instead of something dreadful. Nothing to be nervous about. YOU GOT THIS!!
  • DiamondRidge
    DiamondRidge Posts: 62 Member
    Nothing to be nervous about - Excited, yes! Nervous, no. You'll do great. The trainer is going to be your coach, motivator, strongest supporter and strongest critic! The trainer wants you to succeed! Just be clear about what you are looking for and be honest about what you are willing to put into it.
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    Good luck! I am excited for you.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I'm having my first session with my trainer this evening at 7:30. I'm nervous, too!!! I, too, plan to see him once a week. I was also an athlete in my "former life" and am looking forward to feeling like an athlete again. Add me if you would like!! We can keep tabs on each other's progress!! Good luck to you!!!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    No worries, you are adding a coach, pushing yourself safely and organized. This is great ...

    Think about this.... Tom Brady is a a pretty good quarterback making millions but he still has a coach. Tiger woods has had a coach his whole life, even at high levels, coaches and motivators are necessary ... get what you can get out of this guy and yourself and you will be better for it forever
  • kilroy317
    kilroy317 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's amazing how supportive everyone is here. My husband & family are great support too, but it's always nice to "talk" to people who are going through the same ups and downs as I am!
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    You're going to do great! Believe that.

    I curse like a sailor during my training sessions. I'm a "just do it" kinda girl, so I rarely complain, but MAN my potty mouth comes out to play. I've apologized multiple times, but she swears it's no big deal - she's been in the military.

    Accountability is scary. Because, makes you accountable. If you have any doubts about how committed you are or will be, then it's especially scary. But I believe it's such an important step to making real change. When you stop hiding from other people you HAVE to stop hiding from yourself, and that is progress.

    Best of luck to you today. I think nerves are completely expected. It's the beginning of more than just a session - it's a new journey.
    I barely slept the night before my first session. I was excited, but I think deep down I didn't think
    I could do it. Sure, I condo get through the workout, but I didn't believe I could stick with it and be that person who loves her strong body again. 6 weeks in, I still don't really believe in myself. But I'm just plugging away. Working every day to prove myself wrong.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    It's tough, but so good. I have been with my trainer for almost 4 years....ever Monday 5pm, session with my trainer. Best money I could have ever spent. Just let the trainer know what you want out of the relationship and then commit to doing what they ask of you. The results will be amazing

    I'm havign anxiety for a different reason, after 4 years with my trainer, he is moving to a different city and today is my first Monday in a long time that I won't have his guidance. The relationship that we formed over the years is great and I already miss, mostly as a friend though. We are working on a long distance training relationship :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    That first session can always be nervewracking, not knowing what to expect - but you'll do fine! I started with my trainer, twice a week a year ago, and have never looked back - he has changed my life! In the process we've become good friends and business partners. He's been on vacation for the last week and I've been on my own - I'm used to having him to distract me or talk to me through whatever crazy maneuver he has up his sleeve, so I've been bored! :laugh:
  • queeniepcollins
    queeniepcollins Posts: 11 Member
    Being nervous about starting a new relationship is normal. Your trainer is a professional though so you can let him/her take the lead if you wish.

    I started working out with a personal trainer last year. 3x a week. I started where I could not tolerate any weight on the weight machines! Just getting my arms and legs to do the motions had me sweating! Over time, I began to tolerate weight and am really thrilled with where I am now. I did cut back to 1x a week as I trusted myself to show up at the gym without having a trainer session. (A big thing for me is that I hate going to the gym. Once I'm there, I will do what I'm supposed to do.)

    Anyway, good luck and congratulations on your decision to take control with exercise and good food choices. As for discussing weight, it's difficult. I think that saying out loud that I'm going to lose 100 pounds sounds like a commitment that I'm not sure I can make. But I finally discussed my weight and goals with my sister and got an incredibly positive response. So don't back away from discussing it. It also makes it easier for people to help you or to at least not invite you out for dessert!

    God bless.